hildjj commented on the word revenant
Also: "someone who returns from a long absence". How would you contrast this with "prodigal"?
February 24, 2009
hildjj commented on the word secular
I was unaware of definition 3.
3 a: occurring once in an age or a century b: existing or continuing through ages or centuries c: of or relating to a long term of indefinite duration
January 8, 2009
hildjj commented on the word obstreperous
Heard on CarTalk #0822.
July 18, 2008
hildjj commented on the word paroemiographer
Did you mean paramiographer?
February 24, 2008
hildjj commented on the list adjectives-that-used-to-be-people
Like "grimalkin"
February 18, 2007
Comments by hildjj
hildjj commented on the word revenant
Also: "someone who returns from a long absence". How would you contrast this with "prodigal"?
February 24, 2009
hildjj commented on the word secular
I was unaware of definition 3.
3 a: occurring once in an age or a century b: existing or continuing through ages or centuries c: of or relating to a long term of indefinite duration
January 8, 2009
hildjj commented on the word obstreperous
Heard on CarTalk #0822.
July 18, 2008
hildjj commented on the word paroemiographer
Did you mean paramiographer?
February 24, 2008
hildjj commented on the list adjectives-that-used-to-be-people
Like "grimalkin"
February 18, 2007