holnrew commented on the word precrastinate
The act of planning to procrastinate
December 29, 2008
holnrew commented on the list private-slang
Well no I suppose not, couldn't think of a better word though. Which is terrible for somebody on a language site.
December 24, 2008
holnrew commented on the word luftspaffe
I'd say the act of spaffing was rather pleasant myself.
December 23, 2008
holnrew commented on the word breastful
Something excellent. As breasts are excellent.
holnrew commented on the word spaffed
It makes the act sound much more civilised.
holnrew commented on the word flagulence
A combination of flatulence and flagellation. I'm sure you can put two and two together.
Comments by holnrew
holnrew commented on the word precrastinate
The act of planning to procrastinate
December 29, 2008
holnrew commented on the list private-slang
Well no I suppose not, couldn't think of a better word though. Which is terrible for somebody on a language site.
December 24, 2008
holnrew commented on the word luftspaffe
I'd say the act of spaffing was rather pleasant myself.
December 23, 2008
holnrew commented on the word breastful
Something excellent. As breasts are excellent.
December 23, 2008
holnrew commented on the word spaffed
It makes the act sound much more civilised.
December 23, 2008
holnrew commented on the word flagulence
A combination of flatulence and flagellation. I'm sure you can put two and two together.
December 23, 2008