hshamble commented on the word beetewk
Beetewk is a Scripps Spelling Bee word, and my students are stumped. Merriam Webster has a definition http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Beetewk and there is pronunciation athttps://www.howtopronounce.com/beetewk/ . A photo or description was much harder to come by for an admittedly non-horse person. If a site primarily dedicated to canaries (and which uses the word "remodelation"!) can be trusted, there's a photo onĀ http://www.canaryzoo.com/horse%20species1.htm
January 26, 2016
Comments by hshamble
hshamble commented on the word beetewk
Beetewk is a Scripps Spelling Bee word, and my students are stumped. Merriam Webster has a definition http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Beetewk and there is pronunciation athttps://www.howtopronounce.com/beetewk/ . A photo or description was much harder to come by for an admittedly non-horse person. If a site primarily dedicated to canaries (and which uses the word "remodelation"!) can be trusted, there's a photo onĀ http://www.canaryzoo.com/horse%20species1.htm
January 26, 2016