The unashamed exhibition of the mind's workings (preferably one's own), or of the results thereof, intended to cause mental &/or intellectual excitement and the indecent enflaming of the mind.
First usage of the word (as an adjective: pornosophical) by James Joyce in Ulysses, Chapter 15 (Circe).
Comments by innanja
innanja commented on the word sprachegüfl
Still my favourite typo ...
December 25, 2009
innanja commented on the word meretrix
Registered prostitute in Ancient Rome.
January 17, 2008
innanja commented on the word cuddlefuck
when sweet innocent totally platonic cuddling turns into hot heavy sex, made even hotter by the platonic closeness established by the cuddling
with cuddlefucking you get the best of both worlds
December 13, 2007
innanja commented on the word sexploration
1. Sexual exploration; petting, fondling, caressing.
2. The early days of any sexual relationship when you are finding out about each others' bodies and desires.
3. The scholarly research and exploration of human sexuality (on the field, like).
December 13, 2007
innanja commented on the word incarnadine
Virginia Woolf talks about "incarnadine" in her eulology to words:
December 9, 2007
innanja commented on the word erotology
Thanks everybody! Pity, I'm so much in love wih my definitions :-)
Good luck with the new job, John! And thanks for Wordie, it's so ... well, for lack of a better word, just great.
December 9, 2007
innanja commented on the word pornosophy
Yes! This is my definition:
1. The fornications of wisdom
2. The harlotry of wisdom
The unashamed exhibition of the mind's workings (preferably one's own), or of the results thereof, intended to cause mental &/or intellectual excitement and the indecent enflaming of the mind.
First usage of the word (as an adjective: pornosophical) by James Joyce in Ulysses, Chapter 15 (Circe).
December 9, 2007
innanja commented on the word erotology
Help! I would like to have the definition next to it's word. Can anyone tell me how this is done?
I mean like in here uxorial
December 8, 2007
innanja commented on the word erotology
1. The scholarly study of sexual love
2. Euphimism for pornography
December 8, 2007