I love your site. It is the best word source I've seen. But I think you missed something on "accountability". Your program computed that it may be heard twice a month and that its largest use is the military. If you watch the news you will hear this word, and transparency" three or four times an evening.
I was also surprised to see it had only been looked up once. That may be the reason your algorithm says it will only be heard twice a month.
Again, thanks for providing this wonderful service.
Comments by jackdearing
jackdearing commented on the word ruminates
Mary Baker Eddy uses ruminates in Science and Health on page 430, line 19. The patient feels ill, ruminates, and the trial commences.
May 16, 2009
jackdearing commented on the word accountability
I love your site. It is the best word source I've seen. But I think you missed something on "accountability". Your program computed that it may be heard twice a month and that its largest use is the military. If you watch the news you will hear this word, and transparency" three or four times an evening.
I was also surprised to see it had only been looked up once. That may be the reason your algorithm says it will only be heard twice a month.
Again, thanks for providing this wonderful service.
May 16, 2009