I found the work Punk in a daily newsletter from Mimi Tanner. Her newsletters relate to advice to women on men and also on decluttering your home and life. Here is the quote from her article/newsletter today:
"A couple of years ago, a guy asked me, "Am I being
punked??" At that time, I had not heard the word "punked." It sounded kind of weird to me. I assured him that he was NOT being punked, whatever the HECK that was.... !!
I had to go home and look it up on the web.
Such events usually get a text back from my teenage daughter which includes "lol, mom!"
Guys are hyper-sensitive to being duped, "punked," tricked, and fooled. Get a grip, guys, we women really have better things to do."
Comments by jamajer
jamajer commented on the word Punk
I found the work Punk in a daily newsletter from Mimi Tanner. Her newsletters relate to advice to women on men and also on decluttering your home and life. Here is the quote from her article/newsletter today:
"A couple of years ago, a guy asked me, "Am I being
punked??" At that time, I had not heard the word "punked." It sounded kind of weird to me. I assured him that he was NOT being punked, whatever the HECK that was.... !!
I had to go home and look it up on the web.
Such events usually get a text back from my teenage daughter which includes "lol, mom!"
Guys are hyper-sensitive to being duped, "punked," tricked, and fooled. Get a grip, guys, we women really have better things to do."
Judy Majer jamajer2@yahoo.com
August 6, 2009