You can read the blog post (here) where I first came across this word. Grant Petersen describing a certain type of collector connoisseur, which I think at 12:51am on a Saturday is brilliant: link
Little "p" procrastination is what mothers have warned their children of for centuries, leading the kids to read blogs and waste their time leaving comments about big "P" Procrastination and little "p" procrastination. Go on, watch that Procrastination video on YouTube one more time. You know you want to watch: " link
Comments by jeromicito
jeromicito commented on the word trololo
when your mother yells at your grandmother and you have to bale immediately... As in, "thanksgiving was fine until mom totally trololoed it".
November 27, 2010
jeromicito commented on the word iPhad
combine iPhone and iPad (as in "we have apps for both the iPhone and iPad" = "we do iPhad apps"
August 16, 2010
jeromicito commented on the word twermit
DM to @jrome: sorry for ignoring your @ replies. I have not been on twitter for a few days. Would that make me a twermit?
June 23, 2010
jeromicito commented on the word moabitess
a what?
May 21, 2010
jeromicito commented on the word ridonkeykong
-- "it's gonna be ridonkeykong" OK GO announcement
March 15, 2010
jeromicito commented on the word collectoseur
You can read the blog post (here) where I first came across this word. Grant Petersen describing a certain type of collector connoisseur, which I think at 12:51am on a Saturday is brilliant: link
March 6, 2010
jeromicito commented on the word viligence
Accidentally coined a new term — viligence: diligent vigilance. - @goldman
link to twitter status
February 25, 2010
jeromicito commented on the word printpocalypse
What happens when print sales drop 50% of more in a year.
January 30, 2010
jeromicito commented on the word tweenification
To understand tweenification one must simply travel backwards through a short conversation on Twitter. Start here.
January 18, 2010
jeromicito commented on the word higgledy-piggledy
Comment about Edinburgh on Digg referring to a video of Danny McAskill riding over, through, and beyond your wildest dreams.
January 1, 2010
jeromicito commented on the word Morgado
November 23, 2009
jeromicito commented on the word Binny's
Lenny met Bunny and Ginny
November 23, 2009
jeromicito commented on the list actions-kids-invented
illustrative link
November 17, 2009
jeromicito commented on the word dweeberlips
When you put your finger to your lips and make a flub-dubbing sound, you're practicing the ancient art of the dweeberlips. Dweeberlips in action
November 17, 2009
jeromicito commented on the word Craptastic
@e One word surf report: Craptastic.
November 16, 2009
jeromicito commented on the word Procrastination
See also, little "p" procrastination. It's what mothers have warned their children of for centuries!
November 13, 2009
jeromicito commented on the word procrastination
Little "p" procrastination is what mothers have warned their children of for centuries, leading the kids to read blogs and waste their time leaving comments about big "P" Procrastination and little "p" procrastination. Go on, watch that Procrastination video on YouTube one more time. You know you want to watch: " link
November 13, 2009
jeromicito commented on the word procrastination
Procrastination is checking Ze Frank's blog and finding this video he liked up on YouTube: procrastination
November 13, 2009
jeromicito commented on the list procrastination-time
Procrastination is checking Ze Frank's blog and finding this video he liked up on YouTube: procrastination
November 13, 2009
jeromicito commented on the word wordgasm
"For the curious, "oubliette" is from the Old French, "oblider," meaning "to borrow a dictionary." AKA, "wordgasm" or "le petit mort juste.""
November 6, 2009
jeromicito commented on the word oblider
"For the curious, "oubliette" is from the Old French, "oblider," meaning "to borrow a dictionary." AKA, "wordgasm" or "le petit mort juste.""
November 6, 2009
jeromicito commented on the word membral
I can't remembral what I was going to comment on. My membral is going to pot.
November 5, 2009
jeromicito commented on the word gutterances
Somehow there needs to be more coverage of Strong Badian English.
September 1, 2009