I don't know. The description of the list might pose a more convincing argument if the list itself had more face validity. C'mon, entries like: that's hot, i heart, hella, uber, hubby, pics, teehee, hottie, bf, gf, first post? A subculture clearly spawned in hell. Also, the lister's use of smiley faces, lol's, and terms such as "newbies" in his own posts makes him seem a less credible critic.
Electronic music used pure sounds, completely calibrated. You had to think digitally, as it were, in a way that allowed you to extend serial ideas into other parameters through technology. - Luc Ferrari (One Frenchman who didn't get the memo I guess)
Me neither, but it looks like the tagger is also correct...numerous web references to plants/trees with flowers or fruit that grow from the side of a stem, branch, or trunk.
Do I wish it was on its way out? Definitely. Do I think people are starting to use greater variety in their words of assent? Not really. Do I wish people would stop interviewing themselves? Abso-frickin-lutely. (Actually, I think the self-interview tic may be waning.)
I didn't expect this to pop up on the recent word list on the home page. Just added it as my least favorite word. Not a bad word in itself, but it has become a viral replacement for all other words of agreement.
Comments by jfk
jfk commented on the word preggo
By Campbells, but Prego. There are web references to pizza places that sell a labor-inducing pizza called the Preggo (both spellings represented).
June 19, 2009
jfk commented on the word plinth
June 19, 2009
jfk commented on the list kawaii-headdesk
I don't know. The description of the list might pose a more convincing argument if the list itself had more face validity. C'mon, entries like: that's hot, i heart, hella, uber, hubby, pics, teehee, hottie, bf, gf, first post? A subculture clearly spawned in hell. Also, the lister's use of smiley faces, lol's, and terms such as "newbies" in his own posts makes him seem a less credible critic.
June 19, 2009
jfk commented on the word preggers
It's the first entry on that list of demon-spewed words, Kawaii Headdesk. This alone almost rehabilitates it in spite of its cloying perkiness.
June 18, 2009
jfk commented on the word parameter
Boy, those French: they have a different word for everything! - Steve Martin
June 17, 2009
jfk commented on the word death match
That's it! Steven Wright "... I put them in the same room and let them fight it out."
June 17, 2009
jfk commented on the list areas-of-responsibility-vis-a-vis-our-progeny
I think it was me, I forgot to add the ;-), but it's your fault for starting it. :-)
June 17, 2009
jfk commented on the word political capital
This has to be a rhetorical question. If not, be prepared to answer a lot more of them (see list on which it appears).
June 16, 2009
jfk commented on the word urodynamics
"What, no pictures?" - Careful. The cake shop lady might just whip something up.
June 16, 2009
jfk commented on the word parameter
Electronic music used pure sounds, completely calibrated. You had to think digitally, as it were, in a way that allowed you to extend serial ideas into other parameters through technology. - Luc Ferrari (One Frenchman who didn't get the memo I guess)
June 16, 2009
jfk commented on the list areas-of-responsibility-vis-a-vis-our-progeny
It would be if you had kids who couldn't pick up drinking straw tricks on their own.
June 16, 2009
jfk commented on the word philosophical apetite
a petite philosophe?
June 16, 2009
jfk commented on the word the pen is on the table
June 15, 2009
jfk commented on the word fairy tale dessert
Sounds plausible.
June 15, 2009
jfk commented on the word fairy tale dessert
A sweet tooth fairy? Damn close.
June 15, 2009
jfk commented on the list terrible-twords
How about a too-cute wordoff between Twitter and Wordie?
June 14, 2009
jfk commented on the word boo
Term of endearment.
June 14, 2009
jfk commented on the word nether petals
Next time, when she asks what kind of cake you would like to order, don't say "Surprise me".
June 14, 2009
jfk commented on the word nether petals
Thanks for the visuals...instantaneous and I fear permanent...I'll have the toast.
June 13, 2009
jfk commented on the word food advocate
Where is the source of this objectionable stand-alone phrase? Whenever I have seen it, it is further modified by a word such as local, organic, etc.
June 13, 2009
jfk commented on the word power pop
What I Like About You
June 12, 2009
jfk commented on the word cauliferous
Me neither, but it looks like the tagger is also correct...numerous web references to plants/trees with flowers or fruit that grow from the side of a stem, branch, or trunk.
June 11, 2009
jfk commented on the word fata morgana
reallifepixel's missing link
June 11, 2009
jfk commented on the word spurrious correlation
spuriously correlated with spurious
June 9, 2009
jfk commented on the list famous-transmitted-messages
Unable to restrain myself...subscribing to the broad concept.
June 9, 2009
jfk commented on the word fail
Epic Cat Fail
June 8, 2009
jfk commented on the word .. .- - - . - .... . - - -
Or the result of a "suspicious (read suspect) analysis"
June 8, 2009
jfk commented on the word asperge
I need to be asperged. (Note to self: Don't post late at night)
June 8, 2009
jfk commented on the word asperge
To asperse?...with an asperges or an aspergillium? I know nothing about it...just a googling smartass.
Even if it is a word, I think it's a little too close to asperger to be truly pretty.
June 7, 2009
jfk commented on the word .. .- - - . - .... . - - -
Obviously harmless...the bad comedy is Symantec's characterization of the analysis they intend to perform.
June 7, 2009
jfk commented on the word eurassia adamson
Def: Newbie spooked off wordie at first post.
June 7, 2009
jfk commented on the word .. .- - - . - .... . - - -
This "word" triggers my Norton Internet Security which automatically submits the site to Symantec with the following notation:
URL"http://wordie.org/words/%20%20%20..-%20%20%20-%20-%20%20%20.%20-%20%20%20...20%20%20%20-%20-"was submitted for further suspicious analysis.
The page hasn't been blocked yet...I wonder if the analysis really is suspicious.
June 7, 2009
jfk commented on the word word salad
When used in a technical sense it is also a symptom of certain psychiatric and neurological disorders.
May 21, 2009
jfk commented on the word quell
Might I suggest a medicated shampoo
May 21, 2009
jfk commented on the word repmaster flash
Still waiting for more of the story.
May 12, 2009
jfk commented on the word repsacromulanbrokeback3
The brilliance of the creation has yet to be appreciated. (A definition might help)
May 11, 2009
jfk commented on the word imperturbable disposition
From the department of redundancy department
May 11, 2009
jfk commented on the word absolutely (as a verbal tic to emphatically agree with what was just said)
Do I wish it was on its way out? Definitely. Do I think people are starting to use greater variety in their words of assent? Not really. Do I wish people would stop interviewing themselves? Abso-frickin-lutely. (Actually, I think the self-interview tic may be waning.)
May 9, 2009
jfk commented on the word absolutely (as a verbal tic to emphatically agree with what was just said)
I didn't expect this to pop up on the recent word list on the home page. Just added it as my least favorite word. Not a bad word in itself, but it has become a viral replacement for all other words of agreement.
May 8, 2009
jfk commented on the word defenestrated
to be thrown out of a window
May 8, 2009
jfk commented on the word fenestrated
better than being defenestrated
May 8, 2009
jfk commented on the word watch me disappear!
23 skiddoo
May 7, 2009
jfk commented on the word friabiiity
As a "Pretty dots all in a row" entry...a little creative license taken here.
May 7, 2009
jfk commented on the list defunct-professions
I believe it is accipitary.
May 7, 2009
jfk commented on the user rolig
What does "23" mean? As in "23 squidoo!"
May 6, 2009
jfk commented on the word indubitably
Indubitably dubious
May 6, 2009