jochenb commented on the word gedankenexperiment
found here:
June 29, 2008
jochenb commented on the word wunderkammer
example of usage in this blog post
April 6, 2008
jochenb commented on the word rinderpest
Science 21 March 2008:
Vol. 319. no. 5870, pp. 1606 - 1609
DOI: 10.1126/science.319.5870.1606
March 21, 2008
jochenb commented on the user sionnach
thanks for the words! gedankenexperiment is wonderful. how could i have missed this!
October 7, 2007
jochenb commented on the word blitzkreig
blitzkrieg not blitzkreig!
jochenb commented on the word knockwurst
knockwurst? I guess you mean knackwurst
jochenb commented on the list words-from-the-german
What is German about mesmerize?
jochenb commented on the word farkakte
from "Blues Brothers":
"So what are you guys gonna do? The same act? You wear the same farkakte suits?"
jochenb commented on the user colleen
thanks for the hint colleen.
October 1, 2007
Comments by jochenb
jochenb commented on the word gedankenexperiment
found here:
June 29, 2008
jochenb commented on the word wunderkammer
example of usage in this blog post
April 6, 2008
jochenb commented on the word rinderpest
Science 21 March 2008:
Vol. 319. no. 5870, pp. 1606 - 1609
DOI: 10.1126/science.319.5870.1606
March 21, 2008
jochenb commented on the user sionnach
thanks for the words! gedankenexperiment is wonderful. how could i have missed this!
October 7, 2007
jochenb commented on the word blitzkreig
blitzkrieg not blitzkreig!
October 7, 2007
jochenb commented on the word knockwurst
knockwurst? I guess you mean knackwurst
October 7, 2007
jochenb commented on the list words-from-the-german
What is German about mesmerize?
October 7, 2007
jochenb commented on the word farkakte
from "Blues Brothers":
"So what are you guys gonna do? The same act? You wear the same farkakte suits?"
October 7, 2007
jochenb commented on the user colleen
thanks for the hint colleen.
October 1, 2007