juliahuck commented on the word Quadrable
Capable of being expressed in a finite number of algebraic terms.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Hadeharia
The constant use of the word hell.
juliahuck commented on the word Quackle
To choke or to sufficate.
juliahuck commented on the word xenodocheionology
The love of hotels.
juliahuck commented on the word Carking
Imposing great hardship or strain.
juliahuck commented on the word Carniferous
Bearing flesh; fleshy.
juliahuck commented on the word carnaptious
Bad tempered.
juliahuck commented on the word caboose
The kitchen on the deck of a ship.
juliahuck commented on the word Carious
Of, like or pertaining to dental cavities; decayed
juliahuck commented on the word Taffeta
Thin, glossy silk.
juliahuck commented on the word Jack
A leather coat worn in midevil times as armour.
juliahuck commented on the word galloon
Lace trim or binding material.
juliahuck commented on the word gallionic
Uncarring; indifferent.
juliahuck commented on the word Gallophile
Someone who loves France oro te French.
juliahuck commented on the word Quad
A unit of energy equal to one quadrillion British thermal units
juliahuck commented on the word habiliment
Someones attire.
juliahuck commented on the word hackney
A carriage that has four wheels and two horses.
juliahuck commented on the word Iouea
A type of sponge.
juliahuck commented on the word euouae
A type of midevil music.
juliahuck commented on the word Lipogrammatist
A writer of lipograms.
juliahuck commented on the word Engastrimyth
A ventriloquist.
juliahuck commented on the word Florilegium
A collection of writings; a portfolio of flower pictures.
juliahuck commented on the word Fustilugs
A grossly fat or slovenly woman.
juliahuck commented on the word Pogonotrophy
Beard growing.
juliahuck commented on the word Ceraunograph
A device used to record lightning.
juliahuck commented on the word Bromopnea
This means bad breath.
juliahuck commented on the word Bloviate
TO speak pompously.
juliahuck commented on the word Astrobleme
an erosional scar on the earth's surface, produced by the impact of a cosmic body, as a meteorite or asteroid.
juliahuck commented on the word alexipharmic
warding off poisioning or infection; antidotal; prophylac
juliahuck commented on the word malevolence
The quality, state, or feeling of being malovent; it will; malice; hatred
Comments by juliahuck
juliahuck commented on the word Quadrable
Capable of being expressed in a finite number of algebraic terms.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Hadeharia
The constant use of the word hell.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Quackle
To choke or to sufficate.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word xenodocheionology
The love of hotels.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Carking
Imposing great hardship or strain.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Carniferous
Bearing flesh; fleshy.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word carnaptious
Bad tempered.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word caboose
The kitchen on the deck of a ship.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Carious
Of, like or pertaining to dental cavities; decayed
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Taffeta
Thin, glossy silk.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Jack
A leather coat worn in midevil times as armour.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word galloon
Lace trim or binding material.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word gallionic
Uncarring; indifferent.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Gallophile
Someone who loves France oro te French.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Quad
A unit of energy equal to one quadrillion British thermal units
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word habiliment
Someones attire.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word hackney
A carriage that has four wheels and two horses.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Iouea
A type of sponge.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word euouae
A type of midevil music.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Lipogrammatist
A writer of lipograms.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Engastrimyth
A ventriloquist.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Florilegium
A collection of writings; a portfolio of flower pictures.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Fustilugs
A grossly fat or slovenly woman.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Pogonotrophy
Beard growing.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Ceraunograph
A device used to record lightning.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Bromopnea
This means bad breath.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Bloviate
TO speak pompously.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word Astrobleme
an erosional scar on the earth's surface, produced by the impact of a cosmic body, as a meteorite or asteroid.
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word alexipharmic
warding off poisioning or infection; antidotal; prophylac
December 14, 2010
juliahuck commented on the word malevolence
The quality, state, or feeling of being malovent; it will; malice; hatred
December 14, 2010