kati9 commented on the word buskins
Definition of buskins according to http://www.thefreedictionary.com
bus·kin (bskn)
1. A foot and leg covering reaching halfway to the knee, resembling a laced half boot.
a. A thick-soled laced half boot worn by actors of Greek and Roman tragedies.
b. Tragedy, especially that which resembles a Greek tragedy.
June 24, 2009
Comments by kati9
kati9 commented on the word buskins
Definition of buskins according to http://www.thefreedictionary.com
bus·kin (bskn)
1. A foot and leg covering reaching halfway to the knee, resembling a laced half boot.
a. A thick-soled laced half boot worn by actors of Greek and Roman tragedies.
b. Tragedy, especially that which resembles a Greek tragedy.
June 24, 2009