Comments by kenspeckle

  • Essentially, "remix culture," a-la the 1980s. I've tried to explain further here.

    March 29, 2007

  • Apparently this word is only for web folks. Who knew?

    March 8, 2007

  • Just another example of my impeccable spelling skills.

    March 8, 2007

  • In honor of Baudrillard.

    March 8, 2007

  • seanahan: Probably. I got the phobias and manias from the lists noted up top.

    jennarenn: I was going for words that describe psychological states or issues, whether manic/phobic or otherwise. I just happened to find extensive lists of funny and probably made-up manias and phobias, but there are some outliers in the mix, like meshuganah, ennui, melancholia, rinxiety, and logorrhoea.

    February 20, 2007

  • Sounds like someone's got a case of crazylistomania.

    February 20, 2007

  • Obsession with acronyms, according to this list of manias.

    February 20, 2007

  • Excessive fondness for cats, according to this list of manias.

    February 20, 2007

  • Intense desire to be alone or out in the open, according to this list of manias.

    February 20, 2007

  • Compulsion towards gaiety, according to this list of manias.

    February 20, 2007

  • Excessive desire to stay in bed, according to this list of manias.

    February 20, 2007

  • Obsessive need to work, according to this list of manias.

    February 20, 2007

  • Excessive fondness for big words, according to this list of manias.

    February 20, 2007

  • Intense nervous depression, according to this list of manias.

    February 20, 2007

  • Obsessive self-deprecation OR delusion that one's body is very small, according to cancer web's medical dictionary.

    February 20, 2007

  • Internet addiction, according to

    February 20, 2007

  • Obsession with a particular food, according to

    February 20, 2007

  • Compulsion to kiss, according to

    February 20, 2007

  • Obsession with skating, according to this list of manias.

    February 20, 2007

  • Obsession with the moon, according to this list of manias.

    February 20, 2007

  • Fear of failure, according to

    February 20, 2007

  • Fear of making decisions, according to

    February 20, 2007

  • Fear of dentists, according to

    February 20, 2007

  • Fear of...teenagers!

    February 20, 2007

  • Fear of sermons, according to

    February 20, 2007

  • Fear of dependence on others, according to

    February 20, 2007

  • You can't deny that's scary.

    February 20, 2007

  • The sensation and the false belief that one can hear his or her mobile phone ringing or feel it vibrating, when in fact the telephone is not doing so.

    February 20, 2007

  • You forgot interestingness.

    February 18, 2007

  • Obsession with being a voyeur, according to this list of manias.

    February 18, 2007

  • I'm getting all verklempt.

    February 18, 2007

  • I have this for kenspeckle.

    February 18, 2007

  • Felt by the mother of a mensch.

    February 17, 2007

  • Usually used by Jewish mothers in conjunction with the word tuccus.

    February 17, 2007

  • But also someone of Catholic and Jewish parentage according to Urban Dictionary.

    February 17, 2007

  • Greg Pattillo has got his mastered.

    February 12, 2007

  • Once a word has been kenspeckled I own it for life.

    February 8, 2007

  • not to be confused with graviloquence or grandiloquence

    February 7, 2007

  • not to be confused with graviloquence or gaudiloquent

    February 7, 2007

  • not to be confused with grandiloquence or gaudiloquent

    February 7, 2007

  • INFP perhaps?

    February 5, 2007

  • Having people riff on your protologism tip without giving credit. Sad!

    February 5, 2007

  • here

    January 14, 2007

  • I hear that for a groat, you can get a groatsworth of anything.

    December 10, 2006

  • According to the OED, "As much as is bought or sold for a groat." In the figurative sense, mind you, that would be "a very small amount."

    December 10, 2006

  • From the pamphlet Groatsworth of Wit: Shakespeare is "an absolute Johannes fac totum, who is in his owne conceit the onely Shake-scene in a countrey." Some elaboration here.

    December 10, 2006

  • A: The process of transferring funds from one account to another. Who knew there was a word for that? For the brave, sarcastic commentary and elucidating illustration available here.

    December 10, 2006

  • Kenspeckle is far superior.

    December 7, 2006

  • Best used in Avenue Q.

    December 6, 2006

  • Somehow threatening to "self-defenestrate" is a lot funnier than saying you're going to toss yourself out the window.

    December 6, 2006

  • Clearly the coolest synonym for conspicuous around, and generally used in the sense of "Lauren is kenspeckle for her blog,," although obviously that's kind of a lie. First used as "kenspeck" in Sir Thomas Cokaine's A short treatise of hunting and as "kenspeckle" in Susanna Centlivre's The Wonder! a Woman keeps a Secret. More here.

    December 6, 2006