LadyBoffin commented on the word ananasblau
Ananasblau is a colour in the middle of yellow, blue and green.
November 4, 2016
LadyBoffin commented on the word xylospongia
A xylospongia is a sponge on a stick soaked with vinegar or wine, used for bum-wiping in the roman empire.
Comments by ladyboffin
LadyBoffin commented on the word ananasblau
Ananasblau is a colour in the middle of yellow, blue and green.
November 4, 2016
LadyBoffin commented on the word xylospongia
A xylospongia is a sponge on a stick soaked with vinegar or wine, used for bum-wiping in the roman empire.
November 4, 2016