There's a guy I know who practically defines this word...I gave him a T-shirt with "obstreperous" written across the chest and he loves it
More to the point, we used this a lot growing up. My boyfriend was always amused to hear my little sister (five years old or so) telling the dog to "stop being obstreperous!"
Comments by ladyphlogiston
ladyphlogiston commented on the word snabble
First! (Wordnik says I'm the first to look up this word. Hooray!)
Anyway, snabble is outdated slang meaning to steal, to snatch, to gobble up, etc. It's also a great deal of fun to say.
May 25, 2010
ladyphlogiston commented on the word phlogistonic
yeah, I know, it's supposed to be phlogistic. Tough. I like this better.
July 20, 2008
ladyphlogiston commented on the word obstreperous
There's a guy I know who practically defines this word...I gave him a T-shirt with "obstreperous" written across the chest and he loves it
More to the point, we used this a lot growing up. My boyfriend was always amused to hear my little sister (five years old or so) telling the dog to "stop being obstreperous!"
July 20, 2008
ladyphlogiston commented on the word phlogiston
I love this word. I have for years.
July 20, 2008
ladyphlogiston commented on the word concatenation
actually, I use it all the time, in the phrase "by a unique concatenation of circumstances"
in other words, there's a long story of meaningless reasons that led to this, but I don't feel like listing them
July 20, 2008