lawson393 commented on the word accicie
Sloth, torpor
August 4, 2009
lawson393 commented on the word sharrows
Shared lane pavement markings, for bicycles and cars.
July 29, 2009
lawson393 commented on the word Perquisite
Often shortened to 'perks'. Bonuses above regular pay that come with the job.
June 26, 2009
lawson393 commented on the word Avatar
To do with incarnation, especially connected with gods.
June 21, 2009
Comments by lawson393
lawson393 commented on the word accicie
Sloth, torpor
August 4, 2009
lawson393 commented on the word sharrows
Shared lane pavement markings, for bicycles and cars.
July 29, 2009
lawson393 commented on the word sharrows
Shared lane pavement markings, for bicycles and cars.
July 29, 2009
lawson393 commented on the word Perquisite
Often shortened to 'perks'. Bonuses above regular pay that come with the job.
June 26, 2009
lawson393 commented on the word Avatar
To do with incarnation, especially connected with gods.
June 21, 2009