Colophon is one of your links at the bottom of the page, between FAQs and Privacy policy. However, your dictionary entry defines it only as a Greek city in Asia Minor, which suggests some fundamental limitations of the site at this point in its development. And, the word has been looked up 379 times, so you are creating a less than positive impresssion, maybe first impression, with a number of people.
Comments by linder
Linder commented on the word Colophon
Colophon is one of your links at the bottom of the page, between FAQs and Privacy policy. However, your dictionary entry defines it only as a Greek city in Asia Minor, which suggests some fundamental limitations of the site at this point in its development. And, the word has been looked up 379 times, so you are creating a less than positive impresssion, maybe first impression, with a number of people.
July 7, 2009