littleheartt commented on the word lux mundi
definition: light of the world
April 4, 2009
littleheartt commented on the word morning, noon and evening
The first time I saw "morning, noon, and evening" on a page I thought it was such an elegant way to put it. Ordinarily I see "morning, noon, and night".
March 30, 2009
littleheartt commented on the word apéritif
I abhor alcohol but love this word, I don't know why.
Comments by littleheartt
littleheartt commented on the word lux mundi
definition: light of the world
April 4, 2009
littleheartt commented on the word morning, noon and evening
The first time I saw "morning, noon, and evening" on a page I thought it was such an elegant way to put it. Ordinarily I see "morning, noon, and night".
March 30, 2009
littleheartt commented on the word apéritif
I abhor alcohol but love this word, I don't know why.
March 30, 2009