My father recently decided that egregious was the best word to use to describe him. I think he likes the idea of being notorious... But that is really something else again.
My blog has definitions in audio, text, and even Video for this word (with cross link to the new Wordia site, which may be of interest to Wordies no doubt).
Comments by mainframeguy
mainframeguy commented on the word plout
To splash or mess about inb shallow waters, perhaps deeper than puddles but not too deep ro stand in. An auld Scots word.
September 7, 2009
mainframeguy commented on the word donauwelle
MMMMMMmmm made me hungry!
February 3, 2009
mainframeguy commented on the word egregious
My father recently decided that egregious was the best word to use to describe him. I think he likes the idea of being notorious... But that is really something else again.
January 5, 2009
mainframeguy commented on the word dan carter
this is not a word! Polluted Wordie, sad.
October 29, 2008
mainframeguy commented on the word didactic
My blog has definitions in audio, text, and even Video for this word (with cross link to the new Wordia site, which may be of interest to Wordies no doubt).
October 19, 2008