I only just recently noticed that there's a comments section! Yikes! Anyways, unreal-laurens-friend-finder is up and running and needs contributions! So many exclamation points!
Ah, interesting then. The more usual meaning of kaki lima where I'm from is the sidewalk, but I do know that it refers to the cart as well. Thanks for the clarification!
Falu red or Falun red (/ˈfɑːluː/ fah-loo, in Swedish Falu rödfärg (Swedish pronunciation: ˈfɑːlɵ ˈrøːfærj)) is the name of a Swedish deep red paint well known for its use on wooden cottages and barns. The paint originated from the copper mine at Falun in Dalarna, Sweden. The traditional color remains popular today due to its effectiveness in preserving wood. In Finland, it is known as punamulta ("red earth") after the pigment, very finely divided hematite. Since the binder is starch, the paint is permeable to water.
The earliest evidence of its use dates from the 16th century. During the 17th century Falu red was commonly used on smaller wooden mansions, where it was intended to imitate buildings with brick facing - except in bigger cities like Stockholm and Gothenburg, and in the far south of Sweden, wood was the dominating building material. In the Swedish cities and towns, buildings were often painted with Falu red until the early 19th century, when the authorities began to oppose use of the paint. At that point in time more and more wooden buildings in urban areas were either painted in lighter colours (e.g. yellow, white) or sided with stucco. The number of buildings made of bricks (with stucco) also increased. However Falu red saw a surge in popularity in the countryside during the 19th century, when also poorer farmers and crofters began to paint their houses. Falu red is still widely used in the Swedish countryside. The common Finnish expression punainen tupa ja perunamaa "a red house and a potato field", referring to idyllic nuclear family life in a separate house, is a direct allusion to a country house painted in Falu red.
The actual colour may be different depending on how much the oxide is burnt, ranging from almost black to a bright, light red. Different tones of red have been popular at different times. Recently a mix giving a dark green colour, Falu Grön, has also been produced by mixing black and ochre.
The paint consists of water, rye flour, linseed oil and tailings from the copper mines of Falun which contain silicates iron oxides, copper compounds and zinc. The current recipe was finalized in the 1920s. Aging Falu red will flake off, but restoration is easy since only brushing off of the loose flakes is required before repainting.
don't mind my rabid adding - using my Scrabble program to get longer (and sometimes more amusing) anagrams. if you must, add comments to each new phrase we can come up with :D
What a Dungeons and Dragons player does when his/her character is unable or unwilled to pursue a course of action contradicting his/her chosen alignment
*acoucheuse to accoucheuse, if it means "midwife" (follows French original spelling), *alcedama to Aceldama/aceldama, if it's the "potter's field" (follows Hebrew original spelling). I may be wrong, but I'm venturing to say that some of the spellings here are either off or do not follow the more conventional spellings of other dictionaries. I'll be checking with my MW3 just to be sure.
Comments by markusloke
markusloke commented on the list to-eat--or-not-to-eat
unidentified fried objects?
August 31, 2015
markusloke commented on the word H
Hey vendingmachine, your comment reminds me of an old puzzle from Mensa. The goal was to sort letters of the alphabet based on axes of symmetry:
Symmetrical along the vertical axis: AMTUVWY
Symmetrical along the horizontal axis: BCDEK
Symmetrical along both axes: HIOX
Nonsymmetrical: FGJLNPQRSZ
June 23, 2015
markusloke commented on the user ruzuzu
I only just recently noticed that there's a comments section! Yikes! Anyways, unreal-laurens-friend-finder is up and running and needs contributions! So many exclamation points!
June 16, 2015
markusloke commented on the list anagram-poetry
See unreal-laurens-friend-finder
June 16, 2015
markusloke commented on the list unreal-laurens-friend-finder
See anagram-poetry
June 16, 2015
markusloke commented on the list mineral-names-not-ending-in-–ite
Heh, no problem. I'm reading through something called the English Dictionary of Jewelry online, so there's more on the way!
June 15, 2015
markusloke commented on the list mineral-names-not-ending-in-–ite
And aegirine, diaspore, dioptase, euclase, idocrase, kornerupine, litharge, meerschaum, verdigris, alabaster, kosmochlor, maw sit sit, celestine, baileychlore, botryogen, epidote, clinochlore, clinoclase, psilomelane, eudialyte, tiger-eye, lavendulan, harmotome, microcline, nosean, orthoclase, rutherfordine, sapphirine, uranophane, chert, flint, andesine, chrysotile
June 15, 2015
markusloke commented on the list mineral-names-not-ending-in-–ite
I have citrine, feldspar, smaragd, olivine, tourmaline, aventurine, bort, carbonado, cairngorm, carbuncle, chrysoprase, serpentine, corundum, cymophane, chrysoberyl, demantoid, fluorspar, malacon, minium, galena, jacinth, hyacinth, morion, padparadscha, prase, rubicelle, spessartine, spodumene, triphane, almandine, leucoxene, gypsum, pleonaste, girasol, ametrine, diopside, coral
June 15, 2015
markusloke commented on the list phraseologue---x-the-y
I promise I'm not spamming
June 14, 2015
markusloke commented on the list minty-fresh
May I suggest fido
June 14, 2015
markusloke commented on the list the-porn-birds
Not sure if this counts, but Horus looks like it'll fit in... and also shitehawk
April 2, 2015
markusloke commented on the list more-adjectival-arcana
September 4, 2014
markusloke commented on the word biggin
Coffee pot with a separate container to hold the ground coffee - this sense of the word is etymologically derived from its inventor
September 4, 2014
markusloke commented on the word lilliputian
Has anybody made a list of eponyms? If not, I would like to start an open list.
September 3, 2014
markusloke commented on the word kaki lima
Ah, interesting then. The more usual meaning of kaki lima where I'm from is the sidewalk, but I do know that it refers to the cart as well. Thanks for the clarification!
August 20, 2014
markusloke commented on the word kaki lima
The sidewalk, pavement. From Malay/Indonesian kaki (foot) + lima (five)
August 20, 2014
markusloke commented on the word falu
Falu red or Falun red (/ˈfɑːluː/ fah-loo, in Swedish Falu rödfärg (Swedish pronunciation: ˈfɑːlɵ ˈrøːfærj)) is the name of a Swedish deep red paint well known for its use on wooden cottages and barns. The paint originated from the copper mine at Falun in Dalarna, Sweden. The traditional color remains popular today due to its effectiveness in preserving wood. In Finland, it is known as punamulta ("red earth") after the pigment, very finely divided hematite. Since the binder is starch, the paint is permeable to water.
The earliest evidence of its use dates from the 16th century. During the 17th century Falu red was commonly used on smaller wooden mansions, where it was intended to imitate buildings with brick facing - except in bigger cities like Stockholm and Gothenburg, and in the far south of Sweden, wood was the dominating building material. In the Swedish cities and towns, buildings were often painted with Falu red until the early 19th century, when the authorities began to oppose use of the paint. At that point in time more and more wooden buildings in urban areas were either painted in lighter colours (e.g. yellow, white) or sided with stucco. The number of buildings made of bricks (with stucco) also increased. However Falu red saw a surge in popularity in the countryside during the 19th century, when also poorer farmers and crofters began to paint their houses. Falu red is still widely used in the Swedish countryside. The common Finnish expression punainen tupa ja perunamaa "a red house and a potato field", referring to idyllic nuclear family life in a separate house, is a direct allusion to a country house painted in Falu red.
The actual colour may be different depending on how much the oxide is burnt, ranging from almost black to a bright, light red. Different tones of red have been popular at different times. Recently a mix giving a dark green colour, Falu Grön, has also been produced by mixing black and ochre.
The paint consists of water, rye flour, linseed oil and tailings from the copper mines of Falun which contain silicates iron oxides, copper compounds and zinc. The current recipe was finalized in the 1920s. Aging Falu red will flake off, but restoration is easy since only brushing off of the loose flakes is required before repainting.
July 1, 2014
markusloke commented on the list femmesque
And amah, ayah, bahu, bindi, sahibah, alumna, emerita, genitrix, heritrix, janitrix, oread, nullipara/nulligravida, puerpera, klootchman, lubra, battle-ax, jailbait, dudette, Magdalene, babushka, czarina, czarevna, rusalka, suttee, yogini, carline, cummer, gillet, jill, jillaroo, baxter, alewife, kalewife, goodwife, fishwife, huckstress, randy, rudas, yankie, duenna, gitana, mestiza, begum, yenta, Madonna, bimbo, abigail, caryatid, kore, sheila, hetaera, materfamilias, novercal, viduage, womyn, bobbysoxer, bint, leaderene, mauther, spitfire, franion, dykon, enate, frump, Delilah, jade, bride, bridesmaid
June 12, 2014
markusloke commented on the list four-letter-colors
oh, and i just discovered blae, sore. sabz, tuly, nude, ibis
June 12, 2014
markusloke commented on the list four-letter-colors
May I suggest anil, ashy, bice, bole, bone, camo, clay, coal, drab, dusk, falu (red), fawn, fusc, gilt, gule/guly, hoar, inky, lake, lamé, mica, neon, nila, noir, oaty, opal, pale/paly, pied, puke, roan, sand, saxe (blue), snow, tawn, teak, verd/vert, weld
June 12, 2014
markusloke commented on the list furniture-i-never-had
semainier :D
June 11, 2014
markusloke commented on the list femmesque
May I suggest manic pixie dream girl, gravida, tutrix, curatrix, zelatrix, cantatrice, accoucheuse, basbleu, squaw, marchioness, marchesa, weaker sex, buxom, mademoiselle (and other terms of address), memsahib, grandam, beldam, materteral, Pollyanna, Cassandra, merkin, adventuress, jointress, improvisatrice, ladette, bachelorette, cougar, nymphomaniac, mavourneen, acushla, colleen, banshee, vampiress, archeress, ogress, amorosa, diva, Godiva, donna, primipara, incognita, geisha, maiko, josei, kogal, tannie, harem, alma, hajjah, hijab, valkyrie, voluspa, spinster, au pair, belle, bonne, chatelaine, confidante, demirep, diseuse, décolletage, enceinte, equestrienne, fiancee, gamine, lorette, merveilleuse, midinette, poseuse, pucelle, religieuse, comedienne, tragedienne, vivandière, backfisch, frau, hausfrau, fraulein, dryad, naiad, oceanid, gorgon
June 11, 2014
markusloke commented on the list anagram-poetry
Also Unreal Lauren: nectareous raconteuse, nectarous courtesan to list anagrammatic descriptions of Unreal Lauren (based on contributions here)
April 10, 2014
markusloke commented on the word auction caution
Crossword hint: caveat emptor, to bidders
April 10, 2014
markusloke commented on the list anagram-poetry
don't mind my rabid adding - using my Scrabble program to get longer (and sometimes more amusing) anagrams. if you must, add comments to each new phrase we can come up with :D
April 10, 2014
markusloke commented on the word alignment lamenting
What a Dungeons and Dragons player does when his/her character is unable or unwilled to pursue a course of action contradicting his/her chosen alignment
April 10, 2014
markusloke commented on the list parasitic
Deino, you might want to add the word kentrogon which is related to Sacculina
January 19, 2014
markusloke commented on the list the-i-grandiloquent-dictionary-i-less-such-words-which-are-also-included-in-at-least-one-of-several-other-dictionaries
*acoucheuse to accoucheuse, if it means "midwife" (follows French original spelling), *alcedama to Aceldama/aceldama, if it's the "potter's field" (follows Hebrew original spelling). I may be wrong, but I'm venturing to say that some of the spellings here are either off or do not follow the more conventional spellings of other dictionaries. I'll be checking with my MW3 just to be sure.
June 24, 2013