i've heard Teva (footwear) pronounced Teeva and Tehva. I called the headquarters of the company and the name is definitely pronounced tehva. I recorded the correct pronunciation on this website.
On ABC's 'Nightline" March 23, 2009 the anchor Ms. McFadden pronounced the word 'wreaking' as 'wrecking' 17 minutes into the broadcast as she was introducing the next segment about modern day pirates. (wreaking havoc)
Comments by maryannhogan
MaryAnnHogan commented on the word Victorian horror vacui
From the NYTimes Home section, page D6, "Closeting the Arguments," Thursday June 18, 2009:
"She has the Zen aesthetic," Mr. Greene said. "I have the Victorian horror vacui, the fear of empty space."
Also some art is described as horror vacui. No empty spaces in the painting. Very cluttered.
June 18, 2009
MaryAnnHogan commented on the word Lynneguist
i've heard Teva (footwear) pronounced Teeva and Tehva. I called the headquarters of the company and the name is definitely pronounced tehva. I recorded the correct pronunciation on this website.
May 13, 2009
MaryAnnHogan commented on the word Lynneguist
I've heard Teva shoes pronounced both with an e sounding like McKean, and an e sounding like heaven. Which is real?
May 13, 2009
MaryAnnHogan commented on the word wreaking
On ABC's 'Nightline" March 23, 2009 the anchor Ms. McFadden pronounced the word 'wreaking' as 'wrecking' 17 minutes into the broadcast as she was introducing the next segment about modern day pirates. (wreaking havoc)
March 25, 2009
MaryAnnHogan commented on the word fubar
F-fucked U-up B-beyond A-all R-recognition
Oy vey
Found in I Blame the Patriarchy blog
Published by Twisty on March 5, 2009 in Announcements. 0 Comments
"Yes, I know, comments are fubar. And lard knows what else. Please bear with during these trying times. I’ll fix it somehow. I always do."
March 6, 2009