I found his word in an article called " The Path of The Drifter" by Nathan Myers. It is used in the sentence as followed, " Falling in love with this new place, this new mind, and this new incarnation of his surfing."
I found this word in an article called " The Path of the Drifter" by Nathan Myers. It is used in the sentence as followed, " Theres something profound going on here."
I found this word in an article called "Three days in Sri Lanka", by Nathan Myers. It is used in the sentence as followed, " For a savvy traveler like Gaskell, Sri Lanka only reiterated what he already knew."
I found this word in an article called "Three days in the Sri Lanka", by Nathan Myers. It is used in the sentence as followed, "Sri Lanka in Arabic is called serendib meaning serendipity."
I found this in an article called "Waves Shape Us", author is Evan Slater. It is used in the sentence as followed, "Yes, they possess certain natural abilities and inclinations to make them who they are.."
Comments by mattaustin
mattaustin commented on the user 100000232338334
acquired, relating to a disease, i found this in high times mag.
December 7, 2010
mattaustin commented on the user 100000232338334
vindiction, evidence for an argument, i found this in the newspaper.
December 7, 2010
mattaustin commented on the user 100000232338334
conciliation, jealous or suspicious, i found this in the news paper.
December 7, 2010
mattaustin commented on the user 100000232338334
revival, the act of being revived, i found this in the surfin mag.
December 7, 2010
mattaustin commented on the user 100000232338334
derive, to recieve from a source, i found this in sports illistrated.
December 7, 2010
mattaustin commented on the user 100000232338334
domestic, tame, i found this in the surfing mag.
December 7, 2010
mattaustin commented on the user 100000232338334
perpetual , lasting for eternity, i found this word in the sports illustrated.
December 6, 2010
mattaustin commented on the user 100000232338334
moralistic, to show concern, i found this word in the paper.
December 6, 2010
mattaustin commented on the user 100000232338334
proprietor, this word i found in my book i amd reading for history class.
December 6, 2010
mattaustin commented on the user 100000232338334
flourish, i found this word in my moms garden mag, the flowers flourished in the rich soil.
December 6, 2010
mattaustin commented on the user mattaustin
proprietor, i found this in a book i am reading for history, laws proposed by the proprietor and claimed the same power to legislate and levy taxes.
December 6, 2010
mattaustin commented on the user mattaustin
I found the word flourish in my moms garden mag , the crops flourished in rich soil.
December 6, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word multiplicity
I found this word in a surfer mag. by Ian Hardy. The multiplicity of the young surfers in Hawaii was huge.
October 28, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word denominations
I found this word in sports illustrated mag. by James Duck. The denominations of a championship is crucial to succeed.
October 28, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word susceptible
I found this word in another surfer mag. By John Horne, Living on the islands it was susceptible for young children to surf.
October 28, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word condemned
I found this word in my history.By Eric Foner, Patrick henry who condemned slavery but feared abolition.
October 28, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word cumbersome
I found this word in the new surfer mag. By Jhon Sage, The beaches filled with cumberson waves and spiral barrels brought surfers from everywhere
October 28, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word epidemics
I found this word in a random mag. by Richard Riley, The ship could not stop at the island due to its epidemics.
October 28, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word jockeyed
I also found this word in the sports Illustrated By James Deil. The slot recevier will turn right then left which jockeyed the corner back.
October 28, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word entrenched
I found this word in the sports Illustrated. The players learned it so well it was entrenched in them for the games. By James Deil
October 28, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word diverse
I found this word in the surfer mag. The apponents at the comp. was diverse. by Nathen Falls
October 28, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word morgue
hola. I found this word in the Bradenton Herald local section, A man threating her with a knife telling her she will end up in the morgue soon.
September 30, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word substantive
greetings. this was used by Glen Nelson , Ceramics have been selected and treated as elements fully as substantive as the text its self.
September 30, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word paramount
hello agian i found this word in my old ceramics book by Glen Nelsen.The final potted form is the paramount concern to most artist.
September 30, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word essential
I found this word in a article, "The Recovery Act", by Troy Manning.
September 30, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word incarnation
I found his word in an article called " The Path of The Drifter" by Nathan Myers. It is used in the sentence as followed, " Falling in love with this new place, this new mind, and this new incarnation of his surfing."
September 22, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word profound
I found this word in an article called " The Path of the Drifter" by Nathan Myers. It is used in the sentence as followed, " Theres something profound going on here."
September 22, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word savvy
I found this word in an article called "Three days in Sri Lanka", by Nathan Myers. It is used in the sentence as followed, " For a savvy traveler like Gaskell, Sri Lanka only reiterated what he already knew."
September 22, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word serendipity
I found this word in an article called "Three days in the Sri Lanka", by Nathan Myers. It is used in the sentence as followed, "Sri Lanka in Arabic is called serendib meaning serendipity."
September 22, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word inclination
I found this in an article called "Waves Shape Us", author is Evan Slater. It is used in the sentence as followed, "Yes, they possess certain natural abilities and inclinations to make them who they are.."
September 22, 2010
mattaustin commented on the word discombobulated
i read this word from a comment on myspace
September 17, 2010