if you visit this dictionary http://www.wordsense.eu/eighty/ Persian: for word "eighty" on its translation list , it says : persian (haštâd) , Scottish Gaelic: (new system) ochdad , and for seventy it says on translation list Persian: هفتاد (haftâd) , also on this link http://www.avesta.org/avdict/avdict.htm old persian (avestan) for seventy says : haptâitîm haptâiti seventy , so it seems the origin of that suffix of -ad for "heptad" , to be from old persian
Comments by mercurybc
mercurybc commented on the word heptad
if you visit this dictionary http://www.wordsense.eu/eighty/ Persian: for word "eighty" on its translation list , it says : persian (haštâd) , Scottish Gaelic: (new system) ochdad , and for seventy it says on translation list Persian: هفتاد (haftâd) , also on this link http://www.avesta.org/avdict/avdict.htm old persian (avestan) for seventy says : haptâitîm haptâiti seventy , so it seems the origin of that suffix of -ad for "heptad" , to be from old persian
January 14, 2015