That's so cool! You could fly it by a family member and see what they think. I can only think of one other -ate, but it has less to do with the body: lucubrate.
No, I'm going to keep them separate, Prolagus. : ) I wanted to have a list that reflected sensual sexuality as opposed to sexual orientation sexuality.
Since I only have five listed, I'm not very well-educated myself, sadly.
Hey, awesome tip. I was wondering how to delete multiples. Thanks. : )
As for cults, most people seem to label a religious/faith-based system as a cult when it has a small membership or seems unorthodox—that being relative, really. I remember trying to dissect the difference between cults and religions in Philosophy 101. There aren't many concrete definitions when it comes to faith.
A small stone inserted into the spaces between larger pieces of rubble in a wall. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, found via Roy Blount Jr.'s Alphabet Juice
Fun! I need to get my gears turning to squeeze out something good.
As for getting more personal, I do like knowing more about people, though at a remove (in most cases), too. I particularly like those users who have a nicely-sized "about" blurb on their profiles.
Popularity would make it very hard to manage. I couldn't even remember which ones I'd set as open. Unfortunately, you can't tag a list without tagging every word in it as well. Hopefully the marker feature will be out soon.
Not to mention, having it in my lists is somehow annoying.
Just noticed the conversation about open lists on features. I'll add this word to all of my open lists in case anyone wants to add to them. (And thanks for all the help I've had so far!) Credit: Prolagus
Much like tribadism, don't you think? Even better, since the definition of tribadism has changed (at least in slang). And thanks for adding it to the list!
Actually, the "I" is for "intersex", those with biological aspects of both sexes. As an aside, you'll sometimes see LGBTQIA as well, with the "A" standing for "allies".
"A person's birthdate is used to determine his or her "animal" from the 12 available (including one imaginary creature, Pegasus), which define certain personality types and behavioral patterns.
Dobutsu uranai originally appeared in Big Comic Spirits magazine as a fortunetelling serial, and was published in book form last June as 'Ningen Maruwakari no Dobutsu Uranai (All About Humans Using Dobutsu Uranai).'"
The Fracatstorius crater, located at the southern edge of the moon's Mare Nectaris is named in honor of the Italian scholar, astronomer and poet Girolamo Fracastoro, "Fracastorius" (1478‑1553).
I came across this word looking for something else (just recently, too), and now I can't find the link. It means something along the lines of "sound that a man makes during sexual congress or at climax". I seem to remember something about grunting, too.
The San Graal or sangraal was a chalice made from a single stone which was revered in the Middle Ages because it supposedly caught the last drops of Christ's blood as he was taken down from the cross.
The Eucharist, also called Holy Communion or Lord's Supper and other names, is one of the Christian sacraments said to have been instituted by Jesus. Via Wikipedia.
These lists work really well with Instead of importing the feed I pasted the words in the tags section into the text box. The more time a word is listed, the larger it appears, so I was able to tweak it a bit to show the words I wanted more prominently.
Comments by mercy
mercy commented on the word algesis
The capacity to feel pain; hypersensitivity. It also means pertaining to or emanating from algesia.
April 23, 2014
mercy commented on the word carnice
Probably from carnyx.
April 23, 2014
mercy commented on the word gorbal
"unfledged bird"
August 12, 2011
mercy commented on the list rhetorical-devices-2
Thank you! As you can see, it's mostly thanks to Telofy. : )
July 4, 2011
mercy commented on the word wordology
I fancy 'em all.
June 2, 2011
mercy commented on the list i-hope-you-dont-do-this-for-a-living
Hah! This an excellent resource, Prolagus!
May 15, 2011
mercy commented on the word pearly penile papules
Benign, and pretty-sounding, too.
May 12, 2011
mercy commented on the list lost-for-word
That's so cool! You could fly it by a family member and see what they think. I can only think of one other -ate, but it has less to do with the body: lucubrate.
September 17, 2010
mercy commented on the list lost-for-word
Maybe impinguate or, less likely, but more fun: steatopygous?
September 17, 2010
mercy commented on the word depilous
August 5, 2010
mercy commented on the word frazzing
Frantic multitasking. Kind of like it sounds, maybe with a little less fizz.
July 26, 2010
mercy commented on the word teledildonics
Fantastic link, sionnach.
July 24, 2010
mercy commented on the word anachronaut
I liked it immediately.
October 18, 2009
mercy commented on the word allelopathy
the beneficial or harmful effects of one plant on another plant
July 31, 2009
mercy commented on the word prescited
foreknown or predestined for damnation; condemned
July 31, 2009
mercy commented on the list human-sexuality
No, I'm going to keep them separate, Prolagus. : ) I wanted to have a list that reflected sensual sexuality as opposed to sexual orientation sexuality.
Since I only have five listed, I'm not very well-educated myself, sadly.
June 9, 2009
mercy commented on the word paronomasias
Puns. Yay.
February 28, 2009
mercy commented on the word generation y
Perhaps we'll start naming the generations after some seminal buzz word. Generation 3.0.
February 6, 2009
mercy commented on the word scrimptious
The opposite of scrumptious. Via Alphabet Juice, suggested neologisms, by Roy Blount Jr.
January 4, 2009
mercy commented on the word scrotch
Crotch-scratch, via Alphabet Juice, suggested neologisms, by Roy Blount Jr.
January 4, 2009
mercy commented on the word zurf
Alternate spelling of zarf.
January 4, 2009
mercy commented on the word xyster
Greek; a surgical instrument for scraping bones.
January 4, 2009
mercy commented on the word lds
Hey, awesome tip. I was wondering how to delete multiples. Thanks. : )
As for cults, most people seem to label a religious/faith-based system as a cult when it has a small membership or seems unorthodox—that being relative, really. I remember trying to dissect the difference between cults and religions in Philosophy 101. There aren't many concrete definitions when it comes to faith.
December 31, 2008
mercy commented on the word sneck
A small stone inserted into the spaces between larger pieces of rubble in a wall. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, found via Roy Blount Jr.'s Alphabet Juice
December 30, 2008
mercy commented on the list words-that-shall-remain-on-this-list-until-i-have-ensnared-them-in-my-cerebrum
Inspiring list idea! Thanks. :D
December 30, 2008
mercy commented on the word pronoun guilt
Phenomena resulting from wrangling with personal pronouns that imply one sex and the exclusion of the other, rather than including both.
December 30, 2008
mercy commented on the list wordie-challenge
Fun! I need to get my gears turning to squeeze out something good.
As for getting more personal, I do like knowing more about people, though at a remove (in most cases), too. I particularly like those users who have a nicely-sized "about" blurb on their profiles.
Which reminds me, I should update mine.
December 21, 2008
mercy commented on the word penis spam
Sounds like a particularly noxious variant of Soylent Green.
December 18, 2008
mercy commented on the word open-list
Yo, bilby. :D
December 18, 2008
mercy commented on the word open-list
Popularity would make it very hard to manage. I couldn't even remember which ones I'd set as open. Unfortunately, you can't tag a list without tagging every word in it as well. Hopefully the marker feature will be out soon.
Not to mention, having it in my lists is somehow annoying.
December 12, 2008
mercy commented on the word eroge
Portmanteau of the words erotic and game.
December 12, 2008
mercy commented on the user Prolagus
Here's a link to my open lists, in case you need any of them again. And thanks for the additions. : )
December 12, 2008
mercy commented on the word parthenophilia
Sexual attraction to virgins.
December 12, 2008
mercy commented on the word vore
Vorarephilia fetish or vorarephilia porn.
December 12, 2008
mercy commented on the word jelqing
Not often used in spam e-mails, surprisingly.
December 12, 2008
mercy commented on the word poth
Ah, so a portmanteau word. Neato. :D
December 12, 2008
mercy commented on the word niddering
coward; wretch
December 12, 2008
mercy commented on the word poth
A tizzy; a whirlwind of confusion? (If one assumes it's the root of pother.)
December 12, 2008
mercy commented on the word pliform
Reminds me of that game, Fold-It.
December 12, 2008
mercy commented on the word turnham green
I do not like them, Sam-I-am.
December 12, 2008
mercy commented on the word open-list
Just noticed the conversation about open lists on features. I'll add this word to all of my open lists in case anyone wants to add to them. (And thanks for all the help I've had so far!) Credit: Prolagus
December 12, 2008
mercy commented on the word trib
Slang for tribadism
December 11, 2008
mercy commented on the word cross-vagination
Much like tribadism, don't you think? Even better, since the definition of tribadism has changed (at least in slang). And thanks for adding it to the list!
December 11, 2008
mercy commented on the word exophilia
A neologism describing sexual attraction to aliens or, less directly, representations of aliens.
December 6, 2008
mercy commented on the word lgbtq
Actually, the "I" is for "intersex", those with biological aspects of both sexes. As an aside, you'll sometimes see LGBTQIA as well, with the "A" standing for "allies".
November 1, 2008
mercy commented on the word d�?butsu uranai
"A person's birthdate is used to determine his or her "animal" from the 12 available (including one imaginary creature, Pegasus), which define certain personality types and behavioral patterns.
Dobutsu uranai originally appeared in Big Comic Spirits magazine as a fortunetelling serial, and was published in book form last June as 'Ningen Maruwakari no Dobutsu Uranai (All About Humans Using Dobutsu Uranai).'"
via The Japan Times Online
October 29, 2008
mercy commented on the word rotoscoping
an animation technique in which animators trace over live-action film movement, frame by frame, for use in animated films
October 2, 2008
mercy commented on the word calipee
"contains a fatty and gelatinous substance of a light yellowish color, much esteemed as a delicacy"
September 26, 2008
mercy commented on the word abacinate
I love that there's a single word for such a specific action.
September 25, 2008
mercy commented on the word rapex
I see many BDSM applications for this product.
September 18, 2008
mercy commented on the word hypopsia
"Suspicion, in Thucydides' Greek, is called hypopsia: looking underneath."
On the Shores of Politics by Jacques Ranciere, Liz Heron
September 18, 2008
mercy commented on the word radiotrope
A robot that reacts to radio frequency sources.
September 15, 2008
mercy commented on the word nubile
Yeah, it IS a little creepy, isn't it?
September 11, 2008
mercy commented on the word cockalorum
A boastful and self-important person; boastful talk
September 5, 2008
mercy commented on the word inunct
August 31, 2008
mercy commented on the word adsorbed
Accumulate (liquids or gases) on the surface.
August 31, 2008
mercy commented on the word desorb
Go away from the surface to which (a substance) is adsorbed
August 31, 2008
mercy commented on the word bend sinister
A diagonal band that runs from the sinister chief to the dexter base on a heraldic shield.
August 31, 2008
mercy commented on the word bar sinister
A heraldic charge or mark of bastardy; lines from top right to bottom left. Bend sinister: "from the left side".
August 31, 2008
mercy commented on the word mangerines
man + tangerines
August 28, 2008
mercy commented on the word dianoetic
August 28, 2008
mercy commented on the word chijo
Japanese, frottage.
August 28, 2008
mercy commented on the word chones
underwear, especially undershorts or panties. Also chonies, choners
August 21, 2008
mercy commented on the word quinch
To stir; to wince
August 21, 2008
mercy commented on the word lunar mare
basaltic plains or "seas" on the Earth's Moon, formed by ancient volcanic eruptions.
August 16, 2008
mercy commented on the word lacus oblivionis
"Lake of Forgetfulness", a small lunar mare on the surface of the Moon.
August 16, 2008
mercy commented on the word fracastorius
The Fracatstorius crater, located at the southern edge of the moon's Mare Nectaris is named in honor of the Italian scholar, astronomer and poet Girolamo Fracastoro, "Fracastorius" (1478‑1553).
August 16, 2008
mercy commented on the list dirty-words-things-begrimed
Looking that one up indeed made me go, "ew". And lead me to add suppurate. Double thanks. : )
July 19, 2008
mercy commented on the list dirty-words-things-begrimed
Ugh, pustule is a good one, dontcry.
July 19, 2008
mercy commented on the list sluts-and-bitches
Thanks, Shevek! I remember considering it, but didn't add it for some reason. It definitely fits, though.
July 19, 2008
mercy commented on the list ugly-words-10
Gah. Comment mishap again.
July 18, 2008
mercy commented on the word lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate.
Ah, he just told me it was *not* Latin. I should've looked it up in a Latin dictionary first.
How embarrassing!
July 18, 2008
mercy commented on the user mercy
Most definitely, she. :D
July 17, 2008
mercy commented on the user she
Retronym at your service. /grin
July 17, 2008
mercy commented on the list dirty-words-things-begrimed
Excellent choice, thanks, Shevek. : )
July 17, 2008
mercy commented on the word santorum
Coined in 2003 by Dan Savage in "honor" of the former Senator.
July 17, 2008
mercy commented on the word fream
I came across this word looking for something else (just recently, too), and now I can't find the link. It means something along the lines of "sound that a man makes during sexual congress or at climax". I seem to remember something about grunting, too.
Update Found something close: Insulting English By Peter Novobatzky, Ammon Shea
July 17, 2008
mercy commented on the word foughty
insipid, musty
July 17, 2008
mercy commented on the word rewilding
a process by which the domestication of people is undone
July 17, 2008
mercy commented on the list sluts-and-bitches
Thanks, plethora!
I think I'm going to have to change the description of this list. It's growing so fast.
July 17, 2008
mercy commented on the list sluts-and-bitches
That's a damn fine list of obscure words, sionnach. Leman I remember, but what's leveret?
July 17, 2008
mercy commented on the word blowze
A ruddy, fat-faced woman; a wench.
July 17, 2008
mercy commented on the word muxy
Soft; sticky, and dirty
July 17, 2008
mercy commented on the word fissilingual
Forked tongue. Fissile - capable of being split or cleft.
July 17, 2008
mercy commented on the list sluts-and-bitches
Thanks, all!
July 17, 2008
mercy commented on the list sluts-and-bitches
Thanks, sionnach. I had xantippe, a variant, on another list. Should've added it here. The rest are gold.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the list sluts-and-bitches
Hell, you're right, bear. I'll make one. I can think of a few words offhand, but I'll make it open so you all can add any I haven't thought of.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word wordiependancy
And I'm glad to be here. : )
Dammit! I'm supposed to be in the shower. Doh.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word bastage
Hmm, makes sense put that way, but baste is also a temporary, messy stitch. Combine that with impregnation and I think most women would pass.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word fritzing
On the fritz
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word wordiependancy
Brain's fritzing...something about a thousand words. Better than a picture, any day.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the user mercy
Nicely punned, whichbe! :D
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word milce-witter
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word menstruum
I like it! Sounds like a "thrumming menstruation".
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word bastage
I can't see lesbians having much to do with bastages. They're a tad more fastidious than that.
Actually, now it brings to mind bastard Cabbage Patch Kids.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word wordiependancy
Perfect list.
See, here I am again, not eating and dying for some fresh coffee so I can keep on chugging. I think I even forgot to take off my makeup. Yesterday.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word bastage
Maybe you can make one up for him. : ) This one's pretty popular out here in California. (Maybe other parts of the US, as well.)
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word wordiependancy
Addiction to Wordie.
Must tear myself away.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word salirophilia
a sexual fetish or paraphilia that involves deriving erotic pleasure from soiling or disheveling the object of one's desire
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word lesbo
Derogatory term for lesbian, though reclaimed. From Latin Lesbiana, from Greek Lesb(os) + Latin adjective suffix -iana.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word vomitory
also, emetic; vessel for receiving vomit
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word periphrastically
With circumlocution.
Date "PERIPHRASTICALLY" was first used in popular English literature: sometime before 1791.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word sigla
List of abbreviations, symbols, etc. denoting words. definition
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word siffilate
To whisper
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word sideromancy
divination by the stars
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word bastage
Bastard cabbage.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word bastage
Okay, not really. Just a bastard. Not sure where it came from, but I didn't make it up myself.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word muculency
I can totally use the root in a fab insult, "You muculent bastage!"
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the list cosmicrover-s-words-2
Oh, I like that!
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word san graal
Alternate spelling for sangraal
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word sangraal
The San Graal or sangraal was a chalice made from a single stone which was revered in the Middle Ages because it supposedly caught the last drops of Christ's blood as he was taken down from the cross.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word eucharistic
The Eucharist, also called Holy Communion or Lord's Supper and other names, is one of the Christian sacraments said to have been instituted by Jesus. Via Wikipedia.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word chape
a metal plate or mounting on a scabbard or sheath, esp. a protection for the point
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word saprozoic
Feeding on dissolved organic matter: getting nourishment by absorbing dissolved organic matter and salts. adjective
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word misandry
the hatred of men or boys
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word prickmedainty
I would've guessed the definition was something else entirely.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word doxie
I think it's a nickname for dachshunds. Doxie Lovers site. Seems a tad dirty in homonymous light of the word doxy.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word doxy
"Doxy training" I think the term was. Of course I had to figure that out.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word doxy
I came across the word first in Heinlein's book Friday.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the list sluts-and-bitches
I can't believe I forgot that one! It was on my original (scribbled and crumpled) list. Thanks, pterodactyl.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the user mercy
You know, it took me until just today to figure out "she" was someone's username. *grin*
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word amantes sunt amentes
'Lovers are lunatics.'
Publius Terentius Afer, Carthaginian-born Roman Comic, Poet
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word bird-dogging
To follow a subject of interest, such as a person or trend, with persistent attention.
"Come on, you should be out there bird-doggin' chicks and bangin' beaver." – McMurphy, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Free Dictionary definition
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word semper in absentes felicior aestus amantes
'Absence makes the heart grow fonder.' Elegy by Sextus Propertius.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word magpiety
an incessantly talkative person; noisy chatterer; chatterbox. Like a magpie.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word madid
Wet; moist
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word magnality
A great event or happening.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word zwischenzug
A chess move made to play for time. German for "intermediate move".
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word exocide
Systematic killing of an alien race.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word cowblakes
Dried cow dung used as fuel. How 'green'.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word unf
Actually, uNF.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word terricolous
Living on or in the ground.
Free dictionary
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word manstration
For some reason, that sounds so very close to "castration" in my mind.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word wordology
The science of developing and organizing words.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word mox nix
derived from the German 'machts nichts' meaning "it makes no difference."
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word mox nix
From the Word Detective
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the user mercy
Ah, a matchmaker. *grin*
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word nigrine
What color is that?
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the list sluts-and-bitches
These lists work really well with Instead of importing the feed I pasted the words in the tags section into the text box. The more time a word is listed, the larger it appears, so I was able to tweak it a bit to show the words I wanted more prominently.
Check out the one I made for this list here.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word manstration
I like it.
July 13, 2008
mercy commented on the word streel
To trail along; to saunter or be drawn along carelessly. (Irish)
July 8, 2008
mercy commented on the word sanctum sanctorum
Latin, literally "Holy of holies".
July 8, 2008
mercy commented on the word demivierge
sexually active woman who remains virgin: a young woman who takes part in sexual activity without ending her virginity, French, "half virgin"
July 6, 2008
mercy commented on the list sluts-and-bitches
I like that one! Thanks, whichbe. : )
July 6, 2008
mercy commented on the word phantoscope
A vitascope. Described here.
July 6, 2008
mercy commented on the word baggage
According to a few online dictionaries, 'baggage' is also an "immoral" or "impudent" woman, or a prostitute.
The Free Dictionary (but not Merriam Webster) is one that lists this definition.
July 6, 2008
mercy commented on the word pimiento load
Hardly erotic. heh
July 6, 2008
mercy commented on the word panspermia
An awesome word and theory.
July 6, 2008
mercy commented on the word logorrhea
It sounds so damn painful, really.
July 2, 2008
mercy commented on the word sesquidedalian
Tentacular. :D
July 2, 2008
mercy commented on the word mager rosette
A disk-shaped tool used by dowsers. Divided into eight colors to better help the dowser to identify difference in energy lines.
July 2, 2008
mercy commented on the word metapsychology
Meta, beyond, transcending, + psychology.
July 2, 2008
mercy commented on the word metapsychology
oops! No delete?
July 2, 2008
mercy commented on the list move-it
Thanks! I needed something for "fast" or "quick", such boring words.
June 29, 2008
mercy commented on the word gallopade
a kind of dance, or music to the dance
June 28, 2008
mercy commented on the word biocide
A cleanser, soap, or antiseptic.
June 28, 2008
mercy commented on the word ne plus ultra
Acme; pinnacle; the highest point capable of being attained; the most profound degree of a quality or state.
June 28, 2008
mercy commented on the word xantippe
Wife of Socrates, traditionally described as shrewish and scolding, therefore, a shrew or nag
June 28, 2008
mercy commented on the word vexillologist
Someone who studies flags
June 28, 2008
mercy commented on the word de rigueur
French expression that literally means "of rigor" or "of strictness", comparable to "the done thing", a standard
June 28, 2008
mercy commented on the word cenacle
A clique or coterie, especially of writers.
June 28, 2008