"The depression that had so darkened me for months had gone, and though during my months in Peru I had a persistent worry that it would return, it did not, and I was free of it for years. I said my good-byes to Jeremy and stayed on in the Amazon, my spirit as green, happy and elastic as a grasshopper in summer, tromboning in the grass." -- Jay Griffiths, "WILD - An Elemental Journey", Penguin Travel/Nature, 2006, ISBN: 978-141-00644-4
This is another example of how "tromboning is used.
Comments by miss_ln
Miss_ln commented on the word tromboning
"The depression that had so darkened me for months had gone, and though during my months in Peru I had a persistent worry that it would return, it did not, and I was free of it for years. I said my good-byes to Jeremy and stayed on in the Amazon, my spirit as green, happy and elastic as a grasshopper in summer, tromboning in the grass." -- Jay Griffiths, "WILD - An Elemental Journey", Penguin Travel/Nature, 2006, ISBN: 978-141-00644-4
This is another example of how "tromboning is used.
August 20, 2010