Y, cuando la esfera quedó vacía de números y sus tripas llenas de polvo y de telarañas, el viejo reloj del pasillo fue a parar a un rincón oscuro del desván.
Y, cuando la esfera quedó vacía de números y sus tripas llenas de polvo y de telarañas, el viejo reloj del pasillo fue a parar a un rincón oscuro del desván.
SonOfGroucho: I'd like to shove tolerance down people's throats :-)
An atheist with a Christian upbringing, I say "Happy Christmas" myself (though, if I remember, I'll say happy yule to my pagan friends, and I make sure to put happy new year as well as merii kurisumasu when I send cards to my Japanese friends), and don't personally find Merry Christmas offensive. But I do take offence and people who take offence at "happy holidays" (this doesn't include you, as you were asking, not claiming offence).
John: Yes please!
I fail at diy christmas, despite always having great intentions. I've sent no cards, never mind handmade ones (though I did make a couple I haven't sent!) and I've only made one present, which isn't quite finished yet...
SonofGroucho, you may not be religious at all, but were you brought up with a nominally Christian background? You might feel differently if you had a different religious upbringing, or beliefs now, especially one that also has a holiday at this time. Holiday season really is broader - it's not just that Christmas has become secular and can be enjoyed non-religiously; there are a number of religious and cultural holidays at this time of year.
"You can't swing a cat without hitting some kind of demonic activity. Not that I swing cats. Or eat-- nope. Cutting way back. Cholesterol-- morals. I mean morals"
Re yarn shop: It's not exactly a who, and I missed the list description about leaders, so it doesn't work at all for your list. But it's somewhere I'd like to be taken to :-)
Here's a better one: Taoiseach, an Irish word. Current meaning is prime minister, literal meaning is leader.
Comments by mollydot
mollydot commented on the word apretar
apretar (un tornillo):tighten (a screw)
Apretó los tornillos.
August 25, 2008
mollydot commented on the word tornillo
Apretó los tornillos.
August 25, 2008
mollydot commented on the word alambre
Ramón tenía el pelo tieso, como alambre.
August 25, 2008
mollydot commented on the word tieso
Ramón tenía el pelo tieso, como alambre.
August 25, 2008
mollydot commented on the word desván
Y, cuando la esfera quedó vacía de números y sus tripas llenas de polvo y de telarañas, el viejo reloj del pasillo fue a parar a un rincón oscuro del desván.
August 25, 2008
mollydot commented on the word esfera
esfera (de un reloj): face (of a clock)
Y, cuando la esfera quedó vacía de números y sus tripas llenas de polvo y de telarañas, el viejo reloj del pasillo fue a parar a un rincón oscuro del desván.
August 25, 2008
mollydot commented on the word telaraña
al viejo reloj le nacieron telarañas por dentro
August 25, 2008
mollydot commented on the word dar cuerda
dar cuerda (un reloj): wind up (a watch)
Ya nadie volvío a dar cuerda al viejo reloj del pasillo.
August 25, 2008
mollydot commented on the word enebro
Ya nadie volvío a sacar humo de la vieja pipa de enebro.
August 25, 2008
mollydot commented on the word gemir
Steven también gimió.
March 29, 2008
mollydot commented on the word acurrucarse
Se acurrucó junto a la roca más próxima en busca de apoyo antes de roderala.
March 29, 2008
mollydot commented on the word carmesí
Un regueso carmesí llegaba hasta un círculo de rocas unos metros más allá.
March 29, 2008
mollydot commented on the word despedazar
La imagen del cuerpo de Bruce despedazado flotaba ante ella.
March 29, 2008
mollydot commented on the word recostarse
Lila se recostó en el techo del aparato y descansó la cabeza sobre los brazos.
March 29, 2008
mollydot commented on the word merry christmas
SonOfGroucho: I'd like to shove tolerance down people's throats :-)
An atheist with a Christian upbringing, I say "Happy Christmas" myself (though, if I remember, I'll say happy yule to my pagan friends, and I make sure to put happy new year as well as merii kurisumasu when I send cards to my Japanese friends), and don't personally find Merry Christmas offensive. But I do take offence and people who take offence at "happy holidays" (this doesn't include you, as you were asking, not claiming offence).
John: Yes please!
I fail at diy christmas, despite always having great intentions. I've sent no cards, never mind handmade ones (though I did make a couple I haven't sent!) and I've only made one present, which isn't quite finished yet...
December 22, 2007
mollydot commented on the word merry christmas
I think teapots celebrate by pouring mulled wine
December 21, 2007
mollydot commented on the list double-trouble
hell's bells
December 21, 2007
mollydot commented on the word merry christmas
SonofGroucho, you may not be religious at all, but were you brought up with a nominally Christian background? You might feel differently if you had a different religious upbringing, or beliefs now, especially one that also has a holiday at this time. Holiday season really is broader - it's not just that Christmas has become secular and can be enjoyed non-religiously; there are a number of religious and cultural holidays at this time of year.
December 21, 2007
mollydot commented on the list going-postal
December 21, 2007
mollydot commented on the user arcadia
Homer - for Odyssey and being born at home :-)
December 21, 2007
mollydot commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
sesquipedalian (in the same way as word)
December 21, 2007
mollydot commented on the word bookcrossing
book collection: the offspring at one birth of a multiparous library
December 21, 2007
mollydot commented on the word bookcrossing
Hey! :-p
December 21, 2007
mollydot commented on the list boys-i-wouldn-t-go-out-with
If so, it'd be quicker if they just added "all boys".
December 21, 2007
mollydot commented on the word enlace
... y también su desastroso enlace con Michael McAllery.
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word fallecer
Había fallecido recientemente cuando conducía una lancha motora.
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word hélice
-Claro que sí -repuso él por encima del fuerte zumbido de la hélice.
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word zumbido
-Claro que sí -repuso él por encima del fuerte zumbido de la hélice.
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word destello
Depajo de la Cesna de Bruce Patman los picos cubiertos de nieve de Sierra Nevada lanzaban destellos blanquiazules a la pálida luz de la luna.
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word rostro
Su rostro estaba pálido.
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word vacilar
La avioneta vaciló y luego pareció impulsarse hacia lo alto.
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word saliente
¡Creo que podremos aterrizar en ese saliente!
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word aterrizaje
¡Creo que podremos aterrizar en ese saliente!
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word estrellar
Nos vamos a estrellar. No hay esperanza.
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word bookcrossing
The practice of leaving a book in a public place to be picked up and read by others, who then do likewise.
"I'm going to bookcross this when I've finished it."
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word ballycumber
1. A village in Co. Offaly, Ireland.
2. (n) One of the six half-read books lying somewhere in your bed.
-- The Deeper Meaning of Liff, Douglas Adams.
3. The running book in the bookcrossing logo.
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word buffy
Not me, but I saw later episodes before I saw the one she died in. It makes me smile.
But, dammit, you're making me sad now!
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word yarn shop
A den of temptation.
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word captain tightpants
"Yessir, Captain Tightpants."
-Kaylee, Firefly
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word rí
Chomh sásta le rí - As contented as a king
- http://www.daltai.com/grammar/similes/s-u.htm
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word ard rí
"1014 Brian Boru, Ard Rí (High King) of Ireland dies defeating the Norsemen at The Battle of Clontarf, the last Gaelic-Viking Battle."
- http://www.searcs-web.com/chron.html
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
And Ard Rí is High King - the king of all Ireland. The others were kings of provinces. Or smaller areas, perhaps? My history is not so good.
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
Two more Irish ones for you: rí and banríon - king and queen
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word banríon
san ochtú bliain de réimeas na Banríona Victoria - in the eighth year of the reign of Queen Victoria (www.englishirishdictionary.com)
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word clem
That must be the kind of cat Clem eats. Not the fluffy type. Nope. Not at all.
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word taoiseach
"Teflon Taoiseach pulls off another of his dizzying master-strokes"
- independent.ie, Wednesday October 04 2006
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the list girls-i-wouldn-t-go-out-with
Here you go, bibly: http://wordie.org/lists/11881
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word clem
"You can't swing a cat without hitting some kind of demonic activity. Not that I swing cats. Or eat-- nope. Cutting way back. Cholesterol-- morals. I mean morals"
- Clem, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 7
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
Re yarn shop: It's not exactly a who, and I missed the list description about leaders, so it doesn't work at all for your list. But it's somewhere I'd like to be taken to :-)
Here's a better one: Taoiseach, an Irish word. Current meaning is prime minister, literal meaning is leader.
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
Yarn shop.
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word faith
"She's like this cleavagey slutbomb walking around going, 'Ooh, check me out. I'm wicked cool. I'm five-by-five"
-Willow, about Faith, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 4
December 20, 2007
mollydot commented on the word willow
I’m under your spell
Surging like the sea
Wanting you so helplessly
I break with every swell
Lost in ecstasy
Spread beneath my willow tree
You make me com-plete
- Tara, Once More With Feeling
December 19, 2007
mollydot commented on the word serenity
There's no place I can be
Since I found Serenity
December 19, 2007
mollydot commented on the word interesting
Hoban 'Wash' Washburn: This landing is gonna get pretty interesting.
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Define "interesting".
Hoban 'Wash' Washburn: deadpan Oh God, oh God, we're all going to die?
-Serenity, 2005
December 19, 2007
mollydot commented on the word buffy
She saved the world. A lot.
December 19, 2007
mollydot commented on the word bagatelle
Also an Irish band:
Bagatelle (band)
December 15, 2007
mollydot commented on the word focail
Aon focail, dha focail, triur focail eile… and I not knowin’ no focail at all - Ritchie Kavanagh.
December 15, 2007
mollydot commented on the word amadán
Is amadán é - he is a fool
December 15, 2007