moriza commented on the word twugs
Twitter hugs
June 18, 2009
moriza commented on the word sparkleberry
also called Vaccinium Arboreum.
July 18, 2008
I like the sound of this word, it could be really good product name.
moriza commented on the word copacetic
I don't like this word either its like saying copathetic
moriza commented on the word insatiable
I have an insatiable desire of you...
moriza commented on the word rapturously
I read this in Ogle Earth blog, part of the sentence:, the map application with easy-to-remember map URLs that was rapturously reviewed on this blog a few months ago, just got better
June 1, 2007
Comments by moriza
moriza commented on the word twugs
Twitter hugs
June 18, 2009
moriza commented on the word sparkleberry
also called Vaccinium Arboreum.
July 18, 2008
moriza commented on the word sparkleberry
I like the sound of this word, it could be really good product name.
July 18, 2008
moriza commented on the word copacetic
I don't like this word either its like saying copathetic
July 18, 2008
moriza commented on the word insatiable
I have an insatiable desire of you...
July 18, 2008
moriza commented on the word rapturously
I read this in Ogle Earth blog, part of the sentence:, the map application with easy-to-remember map URLs that was rapturously reviewed on this blog a few months ago, just got better
June 1, 2007