Coprophagia may be a sign of insanity in humans, or perhaps merely perversity, but in some animals it is a legitimate form of digestion: rabbits guts cannot digest grass particularly well (its tough old stuff, cows solve the problem by having 4 stomachs) so they eat their food twice in order to get every last nutrient out of it. This means that they have to eat their own faeces (and no one thinks they are mad)
Comments by myrtletheturtle
myrtletheturtle commented on the word coprophagia
caecotrophy: excellent, a new one to add to my poo-eating lexicon!
August 21, 2008
myrtletheturtle commented on the word coprophagia
Coprophagia may be a sign of insanity in humans, or perhaps merely perversity, but in some animals it is a legitimate form of digestion: rabbits guts cannot digest grass particularly well (its tough old stuff, cows solve the problem by having 4 stomachs) so they eat their food twice in order to get every last nutrient out of it. This means that they have to eat their own faeces (and no one thinks they are mad)
August 21, 2008
myrtletheturtle commented on the word esoteric
The beauty of this word is that it has an almost onomatopoeic quality in that it is what it describes.
August 21, 2008
myrtletheturtle commented on the word cloying
I thought that it meant suffocatingly sweet?
August 21, 2008