nlaroche commented on the word mellifluous
Similar in pattern, yes, I think is what I meant to imply by my question... I love the beauty of mellifluous and "picturesque" just doesn't compare. Perhaps I'm still on a hunt.
September 25, 2008
Is there a visual equivalent to this word? I'd love to know it.
September 24, 2008
Comments by nlaroche
nlaroche commented on the word mellifluous
Similar in pattern, yes, I think is what I meant to imply by my question... I love the beauty of mellifluous and "picturesque" just doesn't compare. Perhaps I'm still on a hunt.
September 25, 2008
nlaroche commented on the word mellifluous
Is there a visual equivalent to this word? I'd love to know it.
September 24, 2008