In Egyptian cosmology, the base form of the universe was nothing but a perpetual chaos, called isft, an endless, formless void in desperate need of orderly structure
(philosophy) The belief that phenomenalism and physicalism are alternative "world-versions", both useful in some circumstances, but neither capable of fully capturing the other.
(art) A style that features an estrangement from our generally accepted sense of reality.
Comments by noele
noele commented on the word isft
In Egyptian cosmology, the base form of the universe was nothing but a perpetual chaos, called isft, an endless, formless void in desperate need of orderly structure
April 5, 2024
noele commented on the word irrealist
(philosophy) The belief that phenomenalism and physicalism are alternative "world-versions", both useful in some circumstances, but neither capable of fully capturing the other.
(art) A style that features an estrangement from our generally accepted sense of reality.
December 4, 2023
noele commented on the word theandric
Relating to, or existing by, the union of divine and human operation in Christ, or the joint agency of the divine and human nature.
July 2, 2009
noele commented on the word nomadalgia
'Nomadalgia, the sickness of travel, would be a complement to, not the opposite of, the sickness for home, nostalgia.'
- Mark Fisher of
June 3, 2009
noele commented on the word perseverative
tautology is the new black
April 7, 2009
noele commented on the user joanne
you and your bellicose backside
January 23, 2009
noele commented on the word disconsolacy
i stole this.
November 28, 2008
noele commented on the word besotted
this definition is sub-optimal
November 26, 2008