noldo commented on the list foolery-i-mostly-believe-in
Added. (Look, I have a crack list!)
And I would have to have a separate math list. It is love.
December 6, 2006
noldo commented on the list ave-s-words
You forgot 'Rassilon', dude. :P
December 5, 2006
noldo commented on the word defenestration
Death by defenestration. A beautiful way to go.
noldo commented on the list simply-splendid
You've reminded me of how much I love 'antediluvian'. 'Cos I do, I really do. (And hurrah for defenestration.)
Comments by noldo
noldo commented on the list foolery-i-mostly-believe-in
Added. (Look, I have a crack list!)
And I would have to have a separate math list. It is love.
December 6, 2006
noldo commented on the list ave-s-words
You forgot 'Rassilon', dude. :P
December 5, 2006
noldo commented on the word defenestration
Death by defenestration. A beautiful way to go.
December 5, 2006
noldo commented on the list simply-splendid
You've reminded me of how much I love 'antediluvian'. 'Cos I do, I really do. (And hurrah for defenestration.)
December 5, 2006