From a review by Janes Parker in 11/1/15 NYRB of 'The Big Book of Sherlock Holmes'.
A few quick strokes – pipe, brain, violin, Watson – call him into being, while beyond these scant markings an abyss of personality instantly suggests itself. Dimensions open up, speculation is invited, and what Tolkien called "subcreation" occurs: people begin to tell their own stories about him.
Used primarily in Britain and its former colonies.
Tractor-trailer in North America.
A large van, esp one used for furniture removals. 2. a warehouse where furniture is stored. Word Origin. C19: from pan- + Greek tekhnikon relating to the arts, from tekhnē art; originally the name of a London bazaar, the building later being used as a furniture warehouse.
Conway is a British mathematician. He is the subject of the just-published (Oct. 2015) biography, <b>Genius at Play</b>, by Siobhan Roberts, herself a world-class mathematician. I highly recommend the book for both the technical and lay reader.
Comments by nydenizen
NYDenizen commented on the word teleolexical
perfect word
January 7, 2018
NYDenizen commented on the word pantechnicon
In U.S., 'tractor-trailer'.
November 8, 2015
NYDenizen commented on the word subcreation
From a review by Janes Parker in 11/1/15 NYRB of 'The Big Book of Sherlock Holmes'.
A few quick strokes – pipe, brain, violin, Watson – call him into being, while beyond these scant markings an abyss of personality instantly suggests itself. Dimensions open up, speculation is invited, and what Tolkien called "subcreation" occurs: people begin to tell their own stories about him.
October 31, 2015
NYDenizen commented on the word Wordnicize
The process of entering a word from the wild in Wordnik.
October 18, 2015
NYDenizen commented on the word Pantechnion
Used primarily in Britain and its former colonies.
Tractor-trailer in North America.
A large van, esp one used for furniture removals. 2. a warehouse where furniture is stored. Word Origin. C19: from pan- + Greek tekhnikon relating to the arts, from tekhnē art; originally the name of a London bazaar, the building later being used as a furniture warehouse.
October 18, 2015
NYDenizen commented on the word John Horton Conway
Conway is a British mathematician. He is the subject of the just-published (Oct. 2015) biography, <b>Genius at Play</b>, by Siobhan Roberts, herself a world-class mathematician. I highly recommend the book for both the technical and lay reader.
October 16, 2015
NYDenizen commented on the user NYDenizen
Eager to explore the site!
October 7, 2015