Creepy. I was actually thinking of this last night because it always happens to me. It usually happens when I'm half-awake and dreaming at the same time... and something strange happens like I fall off a cliff or something and when I hit the ground in my "dream", this happens. It is the most eerie feeling in the world, honestly.
Comments by nyokou
nyokou commented on the word hypnagogic startle
Creepy. I was actually thinking of this last night because it always happens to me. It usually happens when I'm half-awake and dreaming at the same time... and something strange happens like I fall off a cliff or something and when I hit the ground in my "dream", this happens. It is the most eerie feeling in the world, honestly.
December 2, 2008
nyokou commented on the word melancholy
I will always picture Haruhi Suzumiya when I think of this word.
December 2, 2008