orderrodentia commented on the word vaj
similar to Urdu word "freej"
August 26, 2009
orderrodentia commented on the word mindblogging
stream of consciousness ... Ulysses
orderrodentia commented on the word baber
one who turns nice girls into babes
orderrodentia commented on the word b-life
what you end up with after having tried too hard to get a life
orderrodentia commented on the word inside the park home run
a.k.a. clumsy
orderrodentia commented on the word turpethin
Thin with turpentine ... as opposed to thinning with other solvents
orderrodentia commented on the word diablerie
or removing-the-study-of-one-thing
orderrodentia commented on the word laterĂo
As in "see you laterio" by someone ignorantly assuming a knowledge of Romance languages
Comments by orderrodentia
orderrodentia commented on the word vaj
similar to Urdu word "freej"
August 26, 2009
orderrodentia commented on the word mindblogging
stream of consciousness ... Ulysses
August 26, 2009
orderrodentia commented on the word baber
one who turns nice girls into babes
August 26, 2009
orderrodentia commented on the word b-life
what you end up with after having tried too hard to get a life
August 26, 2009
orderrodentia commented on the word inside the park home run
a.k.a. clumsy
August 26, 2009
orderrodentia commented on the word turpethin
Thin with turpentine ... as opposed to thinning with other solvents
August 26, 2009
orderrodentia commented on the word diablerie
or removing-the-study-of-one-thing
August 26, 2009
orderrodentia commented on the word laterĂo
As in "see you laterio" by someone ignorantly assuming a knowledge of Romance languages
August 26, 2009