Euouae is a mnemonic which was used in medieval music to denote the sequence of tones in the "seculorum Amen" passage of the hymn Gloria Patri. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, it is the longest word in the English language which is made up of nothing but vowels; it is also the English word with the most consecutive vowels.
Comments by paula
paula commented on the word euouae
Euouae is a mnemonic which was used in medieval music to denote the sequence of tones in the "seculorum Amen" passage of the hymn Gloria Patri. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, it is the longest word in the English language which is made up of nothing but vowels; it is also the English word with the most consecutive vowels.
December 4, 2006
paula commented on the word schmoop
Lurve. Sickly sweet romantic crap. Urban Dictionary
December 4, 2006
paula commented on the word xenolalia
Xenolalia is the ability to speak in a language which the individual has not learnt. It is similar to, but not the same as, xenography. (Wikipedia)
December 4, 2006
paula commented on the word hemography
Hemography is words appearing in blood without the interference of humans. (I couldn't find it in any dictionary - had to look on google.)
December 4, 2006