petitfour commented on the word the vague ninja
It's a nickname, really, that came from that image.
April 12, 2007
petitfour commented on the word captain obvious
This is something you would call someone who likes to point out the obvious.
Like me, in this instance, for example.
petitfour commented on the word moondance
It's a marvelous night for one!
April 10, 2007
petitfour commented on the list moon-sun-and-stars
What pretty words!
petitfour commented on the word semi-somnambulant
The way I've seen it used is more wandering around in a half-dream state.
April 9, 2007
petitfour commented on the word jimmies
chocolate sprinkles! and only the chocolate ones!
April 5, 2007
petitfour commented on the word apparently
I use this word far too much.
"It's snowing outside."
April 4, 2007
petitfour commented on the word the alzheimer's
Because putting "the" in front of something automatically makes it funny. See also: the consumption, the sex
petitfour commented on the word inna
Contraction of "in the."
Usage: "I'm going to kick you inna shins."
petitfour commented on the word summer's daughter
Also my livejournal name. :)
petitfour commented on the word the consumption
What I hope I die of (someday)!
petitfour commented on the word reciprocity
When you're good to Mama, Mama's good to you.
petitfour commented on the word gothic disease
The bane of the gothic heroine, usually some form of lung ailment that involves coughing up blood in a romantic fashion. (See: pneumonia, consumption, tuberculosis)
Also accompanied by wistful longing and wasting away.
petitfour commented on the word cistus
See also: rockrose
petitfour commented on the word beanie weenie bomb
Hee! I know I'm afraid!
petitfour commented on the word gothic heroine
The heroine of a gothic novel - usually small, pale, large-eyed and delicate.
Prone to catching diseases that involve coughing up blood.
See also: petitfour ;)
petitfour commented on the word karakarounde
This apparently smells a bit like jasmine and is used in love rituals.
petitfour commented on the word khan
petitfour commented on the word latvian mail-order child brides
what I look like walking around with a scarf over my pincurls.
petitfour commented on the word 8-track mind
what my boyfriend had before they went out of favour in the '70s.
petitfour commented on the word sacrilicious
it's sacreligious and delicious, all rolled into one!
April 3, 2007
petitfour commented on the word noone
petitfour commented on the word cupcake terrorism
ring doorbells and leave cupcakes: a good plan for instilling terror, you think? ;)
petitfour commented on the word ladybits
ladyparts? girlybits?
petitfour commented on the word ass-backwards
what L's emotions are
the act of using cupcakes to instill terror in The People
petitfour commented on the word lvoe
lvoe means love only much more. <3
petitfour commented on the word i've got the dsm-iv and i'm not afraid to use it
this = maybe a good cocktail name?
petitfour commented on the word old man taker
bourbon & scotch! :D
petitfour commented on the word tragic cropping accidents
this happens when someone with pretentions of artistic genius purpousefully cuts off part of the body of their subject (usually their head) in a photograph.
petitfour commented on the word everyone knows you're crazy
indeed they do. <3
Comments by petitfour
petitfour commented on the word the vague ninja
It's a nickname, really, that came from that image.
April 12, 2007
petitfour commented on the word the vague ninja
April 12, 2007
petitfour commented on the word captain obvious
This is something you would call someone who likes to point out the obvious.
Like me, in this instance, for example.
April 12, 2007
petitfour commented on the word moondance
It's a marvelous night for one!
April 10, 2007
petitfour commented on the list moon-sun-and-stars
What pretty words!
April 10, 2007
petitfour commented on the word semi-somnambulant
The way I've seen it used is more wandering around in a half-dream state.
April 10, 2007
petitfour commented on the word semi-somnambulant
April 9, 2007
petitfour commented on the word jimmies
chocolate sprinkles! and only the chocolate ones!
April 5, 2007
petitfour commented on the word apparently
I use this word far too much.
"It's snowing outside."
April 4, 2007
petitfour commented on the word the alzheimer's
Because putting "the" in front of something automatically makes it funny. See also: the consumption, the sex
April 4, 2007
petitfour commented on the word inna
Contraction of "in the."
Usage: "I'm going to kick you inna shins."
April 4, 2007
petitfour commented on the word summer's daughter
Also my livejournal name. :)
April 4, 2007
petitfour commented on the word the consumption
What I hope I die of (someday)!
April 4, 2007
petitfour commented on the word reciprocity
When you're good to Mama, Mama's good to you.
April 4, 2007
petitfour commented on the word gothic disease
The bane of the gothic heroine, usually some form of lung ailment that involves coughing up blood in a romantic fashion. (See: pneumonia, consumption, tuberculosis)
Also accompanied by wistful longing and wasting away.
April 4, 2007
petitfour commented on the word cistus
See also: rockrose
April 4, 2007
petitfour commented on the word beanie weenie bomb
Hee! I know I'm afraid!
April 4, 2007
petitfour commented on the word gothic heroine
The heroine of a gothic novel - usually small, pale, large-eyed and delicate.
Prone to catching diseases that involve coughing up blood.
See also: petitfour ;)
April 4, 2007
petitfour commented on the word karakarounde
This apparently smells a bit like jasmine and is used in love rituals.
April 4, 2007
petitfour commented on the word khan
April 4, 2007
petitfour commented on the word latvian mail-order child brides
what I look like walking around with a scarf over my pincurls.
April 4, 2007
petitfour commented on the word 8-track mind
what my boyfriend had before they went out of favour in the '70s.
April 4, 2007
petitfour commented on the word sacrilicious
it's sacreligious and delicious, all rolled into one!
April 3, 2007
petitfour commented on the word noone
April 3, 2007
petitfour commented on the word cupcake terrorism
ring doorbells and leave cupcakes: a good plan for instilling terror, you think? ;)
April 3, 2007
petitfour commented on the word ladybits
ladyparts? girlybits?
April 3, 2007
petitfour commented on the word ass-backwards
what L's emotions are
April 3, 2007
petitfour commented on the word cupcake terrorism
the act of using cupcakes to instill terror in The People
April 3, 2007
petitfour commented on the word lvoe
lvoe means love only much more. <3
April 3, 2007
petitfour commented on the word i've got the dsm-iv and i'm not afraid to use it
this = maybe a good cocktail name?
April 3, 2007
petitfour commented on the word old man taker
bourbon & scotch! :D
April 3, 2007
petitfour commented on the word tragic cropping accidents
this happens when someone with pretentions of artistic genius purpousefully cuts off part of the body of their subject (usually their head) in a photograph.
April 3, 2007
petitfour commented on the word everyone knows you're crazy
indeed they do. <3
April 3, 2007