A form of social organization common in many developing regions characterized by "patron-client" relationships. Powerful and rich "patrons" promise to provide relatively powerless and poor "clients" with jobs, protection, infrastructure, and other benefits in exchange for votes and other forms of loyalty, including labour. The relationship is often exploitative and can result in clients' permanent indebtedness; as such it's often corrupt and unfair.
Comments by pfitz
pfitz commented on the word clientelism
A form of social organization common in many developing regions characterized by "patron-client" relationships. Powerful and rich "patrons" promise to provide relatively powerless and poor "clients" with jobs, protection, infrastructure, and other benefits in exchange for votes and other forms of loyalty, including labour. The relationship is often exploitative and can result in clients' permanent indebtedness; as such it's often corrupt and unfair.
July 14, 2009