PhilipWHudson commented on the word rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz
beef labeling supervision duty transmission Act
April 20, 2013
PhilipWHudson commented on the user GregShaw
To get the true redneck flavor, prefix words like fixing with an a in addition to dropping the g. "Ahm a fixin t' tote my cotton sack t'th' scales."
April 13, 2013
PhilipWHudson commented on the user PhilipWHudson
I just discovered you. As a teacher of English as a Second Language, I am excited to be able to be a part of your program.
Comments by philipwhudson
PhilipWHudson commented on the word rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz
beef labeling supervision duty transmission Act
April 20, 2013
PhilipWHudson commented on the user GregShaw
To get the true redneck flavor, prefix words like fixing with an a in addition to dropping the g. "Ahm a fixin t' tote my cotton sack t'th' scales."
April 13, 2013
PhilipWHudson commented on the user PhilipWHudson
I just discovered you. As a teacher of English as a Second Language, I am excited to be able to be a part of your program.
April 13, 2013