suggestation (n.): the time it takes to consider whether or not to implement another person's advice
i.e.: The boy's girlfriend recommended that he get a haircut if he truly wished to succeed in his endeavors. He went and got his ears lowered after a week-long suggestation during which he was turned down from more than a dozen jobs.
it means: "a rarity"... it's a kind of chinese idiom, im new to the site and still trying to figure out the best way to use this thing to store interesting chinese words. i can't seem to to figure out the drop-down definition bar i've seen on other words..
Comments by prolixpolymath
prolixpolymath commented on the word wocka wocka wocka
February 14, 2009
prolixpolymath commented on the word world war wild
February 13, 2009
prolixpolymath commented on the word wimachtendienk wingolauchsik witahemui
February 13, 2009
prolixpolymath commented on the word 无�?�厚�?� wu2ke3hou4fei1
无�?�厚�?� = to give little cause for criticism
February 7, 2009
prolixpolymath commented on the word taotie 饕餮
January 28, 2009
prolixpolymath commented on the word taotie
January 28, 2009
prolixpolymath commented on the word easy peasy
greasy beasly
January 26, 2009
prolixpolymath commented on the word emily dickins
author charles dickens' greedy, deceitful sister.
January 14, 2009
prolixpolymath commented on the word 兵�?厌诈 bing1bu4yan4zha4
all's fair in war
January 6, 2009
prolixpolymath commented on the word փ
an h with a birth defect?
January 1, 2009
prolixpolymath commented on the list monsters-and-myths
January 1, 2009
prolixpolymath commented on the word sexcellent
sextacular? sextastic. sextisfactory. sexceptional. sexacting.
December 31, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word breastful
a bobbering broastful bouncing boonty on bisplay
December 31, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the list its-about-time
December 31, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word 一鼓作气 yi1gu3zuo4qi4
to follow through with something to the end
December 31, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word obsessex
December 27, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word expressions for merry christmas in various languages
December 25, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word 一鸣惊人 yi1ming2jing1ren2
一鸣惊人 = become famous overnight
December 24, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word the babble
a lengthy fictitious work of nonsense. adorned by millions for its moral code.
December 24, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word halwes
halved ewe steaks.
December 23, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word 爸
December 21, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word 歧路亡羊 qi2lu4wang2yang2
To go astray in a complex situation.
Literally: "the wrong way go dead sheep"
歧路 = wrong way, forked road
亡 = die, lose
羊 = sheep, lamb
December 18, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word peepshower
peepshower (n)
1. voyeurism meets daily cleansing ritual; see: "Porky's"
December 18, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word warmageddon
11 days ago bilby said:
It's 'geddon hot in here.
now take off all the crows.
December 18, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word red bullshit
red bullshit (n)
1) angry nonsense, lies or exaggeration
2) symptom of a digestive problem caused by an energy drink
December 15, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word poet billy collins
i wish my first name was 'poet'
December 14, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word disgustingle
disgustingle (n)
1) presentiment accompanied by feelings of revulsion
2) lingering disgust
The man stood in line to use the bathroom, disgustingles shaking his stomach at the thought of the facility's hygiene.
December 14, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word orgasmegma
orgasmegma (n)
1) ew
2) that's gross
December 14, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word kolkhozusquebaugh
yee god man! what does this one mean!
December 14, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the list 中文�?语-zhong1wen2-cheng2yu3
im not sure, but i think �?�?�上万 does falls within the realm of chengyu
December 12, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word �?�?�上万 cheng2qian1shang4wan4
�?�?�上万 = thousands upon thousands
December 12, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word wunderkindling
wunderkindling (n.)
1) promising, innocent-minded youth(s) that are taken advantage of, often by a group of conniving individuals
2) easily acquired scapegoat(s)
December 11, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word suggestation
suggestation (n.): the time it takes to consider whether or not to implement another person's advice
i.e.: The boy's girlfriend recommended that he get a haircut if he truly wished to succeed in his endeavors. He went and got his ears lowered after a week-long suggestation during which he was turned down from more than a dozen jobs.
December 11, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word president obama
Barack Obama anagram: Maraca Kabob
December 11, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the list names-for-women
December 10, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word �?�争�?夕 zhi3zheng1zhao1xi1
�?�争�?夕 = "make good use of your time"
December 9, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word �?�争�?夕 zhi3zheng1zhao1xi1
"make good use of your time"
December 9, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word ur mind is sponge...and its sucking in home-sexuality
December 9, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word poubtful
doubtle pouttery
December 9, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the list portmanteau-neologisms
"cute"? thanks for the complacenment. here, have some incense, rfiend.
December 9, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word 凤毛麟角 feng1mao2lin2jiao3
d'oh! i so want to educate as well as mystify... though for now i'll probably be ending up doing a lot more of the latter...
December 8, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word 凤毛麟角 feng1mao2lin2jiao3
it means: "a rarity"... it's a kind of chinese idiom, im new to the site and still trying to figure out the best way to use this thing to store interesting chinese words. i can't seem to to figure out the drop-down definition bar i've seen on other words..
December 8, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word 凤毛麟角 feng1mao2lin2jiao3
a rarity
December 8, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word l.s.o.e.v.x.e
two disparate words, joined at the hip, nestled within each other
December 8, 2008
prolixpolymath commented on the word nashrash
the burn you get on the soles of your feet when Steve Nash crosses you up... which, admittedly, probably isn't very often.
December 8, 2008