Comments by psycho-dynamicistnic

  • Globus hystericus is the subjective experience of something lodged in the throat when no physical evidance can be found. Psychodynamic theory suggets that the symptom replaces a repressed, unacceptable impulse or wish. Ferenzi suggested that repressed desire for oral sex . Intrapsychic conflict is reduced as unacceptable emotions are displaced by or “converted” to physical manifestations. 50% of persons with conversion disorder also are diagnosed with histrionic or dependent personality disorder suggests that chronic use of maladaptive defenses is in play.

    June 27, 2016

  • A physician, surgeon, analyst, expert, author, writer, poet, father who, as a function of his or her life, experience, education, training, research, reflection, and contemplation, can not help but view the universe from the perspective of Psychoanalytic theory.

    June 21, 2016