The definition given by Wordnik 'Present participle of advert.' is hardly helpful. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines it as: attending to, regarding, observing, which is certainly what it meant in the context of what I was reading. It is most closely linked to advertence and the Wordnik definitions for this tie up with Webster's.
I came across this word in 'The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the Souls of the Just' by Rev. Bartelemy Froget, translated from the Third French edition by Rev. Sydney A. Raemers, MA, published 1921 by The Paulist Press of New York. The book is out of copyright available at The particular sentence in which it appeared is as follows: "As to the Father, He proceeds from no-one - by reason of His innascibility". Wordnik is the only site that came up with a definition when I searched using the one-look online dictionary. Well done Wordnik!
Comments by quadrigius
Quadrigius commented on the word adverting
The definition given by Wordnik 'Present participle of advert.' is hardly helpful. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines it as: attending to, regarding, observing, which is certainly what it meant in the context of what I was reading. It is most closely linked to advertence and the Wordnik definitions for this tie up with Webster's.
October 27, 2015
Quadrigius commented on the word innascibility
I came across this word in 'The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the Souls of the Just' by Rev. Bartelemy Froget, translated from the Third French edition by Rev. Sydney A. Raemers, MA, published 1921 by The Paulist Press of New York. The book is out of copyright available at The particular sentence in which it appeared is as follows: "As to the Father, He proceeds from no-one - by reason of His innascibility".
Wordnik is the only site that came up with a definition when I searched using the one-look online dictionary. Well done Wordnik!
October 27, 2015