replysurbhi81 commented on the list gre2
whet;prune;preen;sharp increase;
May 23, 2013
whirlgigle,merrygo round,carousel mean same
flagitious is same as felon
zest is adding flavour,pique,interest
replysurbhi81 commented on the list magoosh1
wacky is ludicrous,foolish,eccentric
May 22, 2013
recidivism backslide, backsliding, decadence, declension, decline, degeneration, descent, deterioration, devolution, drop*, fall, recession, recidivation, regression, relapse, retrogradation, retrogression
overweening,amour-propre, arrogance, complacence, complacency, consequence, immodesty, narcissism, outrecuidance, pomposity, pride, self-admiration, self-conceit, self-exaltation, self-importance, self-love, self-regard, smugness, snottiness, stuffiness, swagger, swelled head, vainglory, vainness, vanity
demure;Affectedly shy, modest, or reserved,staid;
dilatory,procrastination or delay; slow; tardy; not prompt;
Decry, Depreciate, Detract from, Derogate from, Disparage, run down, discredit.
demure is affectedly sober
corroborate means to attest or vouch
cogent ,potent,forcefully persuasive
wary,cautious,careful,shy mean the same
censure,formal condemnation and disapprobriation
Aphorism, Axiom, Maxim, Precept, Dictum, Apothegm, Saying, Adage, Proverb, Truism, Byword, Saw mean same for aphorism
May 20, 2013
difference between elusiveness and mysteriousness is mysterious is higher form of elusiveness
May 17, 2013
difference b/w trenchant and poignant
May 16, 2013
overstates is different from elucidation,
overstates means too general
May 15, 2013
enjoining is same as exhorting
unworthy is morally reprehensible
pedestrian,prosaic implies lacklustre,dull
May 14, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list gaurav-gre
solvent means debt free
ingenous means naive while ingenious plan means clever intelligent
do not confuse gregarious with garrulous
Comments by replysurbhi81
replysurbhi81 commented on the list gre2
whet;prune;preen;sharp increase;
May 23, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list gre2
whirlgigle,merrygo round,carousel mean same
May 23, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list gre2
flagitious is same as felon
May 23, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list gre2
zest is adding flavour,pique,interest
May 23, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list magoosh1
wacky is ludicrous,foolish,eccentric
May 22, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list gre2
recidivism backslide, backsliding, decadence, declension, decline, degeneration, descent, deterioration, devolution, drop*, fall, recession, recidivation, regression, relapse, retrogradation, retrogression
May 22, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list gre2
overweening,amour-propre, arrogance, complacence, complacency, consequence, immodesty, narcissism, outrecuidance, pomposity, pride, self-admiration, self-conceit, self-exaltation, self-importance, self-love, self-regard, smugness, snottiness, stuffiness, swagger, swelled head, vainglory, vainness, vanity
May 22, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list magoosh1
May 22, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list magoosh1
May 22, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list magoosh1
demure;Affectedly shy, modest, or reserved,staid;
May 22, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list magoosh1
dilatory,procrastination or delay; slow; tardy; not prompt;
May 22, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list magoosh1
Decry, Depreciate, Detract from, Derogate from, Disparage, run down, discredit.
May 22, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list magoosh1
demure is affectedly sober
May 22, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list magoosh1
corroborate means to attest or vouch
May 22, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list magoosh1
May 22, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list magoosh1
cogent ,potent,forcefully persuasive
May 22, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list magoosh1
wary,cautious,careful,shy mean the same
May 22, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list magoosh1
censure,formal condemnation and disapprobriation
May 22, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list magoosh1
Aphorism, Axiom, Maxim, Precept, Dictum, Apothegm, Saying, Adage, Proverb, Truism, Byword, Saw mean same for aphorism
May 20, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list gre2
difference between elusiveness and mysteriousness is mysterious is higher form of elusiveness
May 17, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list gre2
difference b/w trenchant and poignant
May 16, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list gre2
overstates is different from elucidation,
overstates means too general
May 16, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list gre2
May 15, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list gre2
enjoining is same as exhorting
May 15, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list gre2
unworthy is morally reprehensible
May 15, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list gre2
pedestrian,prosaic implies lacklustre,dull
May 14, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list gre2
May 14, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list gaurav-gre
solvent means debt free
May 14, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list gaurav-gre
ingenous means naive while ingenious plan means clever intelligent
May 14, 2013
replysurbhi81 commented on the list gaurav-gre
do not confuse gregarious with garrulous
May 14, 2013