Poioumena is a term used in postmodern literature to describe a type of metafiction that focuses on the process of creation. The word comes from the Ancient Greek word poioúmenon, which means "product".
Univocity refers to the state or essence of being univocal, meaning that something has only one clear and consistent interpretation or meaning. It implies a lack of ambiguity, ensuring that the message or concept is understood in a single, uniform way.
A "mediapheme" refers to a modern, postmodern concept where a popular icon or personality is filled or inhabited by the viewer, and their persona is circulated and shaped through various media channels, often blurring the lines between the individual's actual identity and their public image.
A "mediapheme" refers to a modern, postmodern concept where a popular icon or personality is filled or inhabited by the viewer, and their persona is circulated and shaped through various media channels, often blurring the lines between the individual's actual identity and their public image.
Comments by rfbrownwards
rfbrownwards commented on the word poioumena
Poioumena is a term used in postmodern literature to describe a type of metafiction that focuses on the process of creation. The word comes from the Ancient Greek word poioúmenon, which means "product".
December 19, 2024
rfbrownwards commented on the word overfit
Overfitting occurs when a machine learning model becomes too complex and fits the training data too closely.
December 18, 2024
rfbrownwards commented on the word univocity
Univocity refers to the state or essence of being univocal, meaning that something has only one clear and consistent interpretation or meaning. It implies a lack of ambiguity, ensuring that the message or concept is understood in a single, uniform way.
December 18, 2024
rfbrownwards commented on the list my-lexicon-WwfwBfZdW70B5LKux8Wb3
A type of illusion or misperception involving a vague or obscure stimulus being perceived as something clear and distinct.
December 13, 2024
rfbrownwards commented on the list my-lexicon-WwfwBfZdW70B5LKux8Wb3
A "mediapheme" refers to a modern, postmodern concept where a popular icon or personality is filled or inhabited by the viewer, and their persona is circulated and shaped through various media channels, often blurring the lines between the individual's actual identity and their public image.
December 13, 2024
rfbrownwards commented on the word mediapheme
A "mediapheme" refers to a modern, postmodern concept where a popular icon or personality is filled or inhabited by the viewer, and their persona is circulated and shaped through various media channels, often blurring the lines between the individual's actual identity and their public image.
December 13, 2024