Ronsta3 commented on the word khouwndjiva
Khouwndjiva Koon•dji•va
Being unable to do something you want because you are obliged to do it.
"I was going to take the trash out, but when my mom told me to do it, I became khouwndjiva."
"I love learning about the human physiology, but during exams I am khouwndjiva."
December 7, 2018
ronsta3's Comments
Comments by ronsta3
Ronsta3 commented on the word khouwndjiva
Khouwndjiva Koon•dji•va
Being unable to do something you want because you are obliged to do it.
"I was going to take the trash out, but when my mom told me to do it, I became khouwndjiva."
"I love learning about the human physiology, but during exams I am khouwndjiva."
December 7, 2018