scete commented on the word avuncular
Hercule Poirot offered to be her avuncular
January 14, 2009
scete commented on the word septentrionals
the slower more stolid Septentrionals
December 6, 2008
scete commented on the word gob smacked
gob smacked, lovely phrase. Gob mouth
scete commented on the word kudzu
kudzua great metaphor for consumerism
December 5, 2008
scete commented on the word radiance
Radiance belongs to being considered precisely as beautiful; it is, in being, that which catches the eye, or ear, or the mind, and wants us to perceive it again.
Etienne Gilson
scete commented on the list odd-words-4
In a TV play last night
scete commented on the word hubris
When human hubris intrudes or manipulates the sacred, the consequence is inevitably humiliation
scete commented on the word reverence
reverence bestows dignity
December 4, 2008
scete commented on the word quotidian
Beauty is not quotidian, it is a rare delight
Comments by scete
scete commented on the word avuncular
Hercule Poirot offered to be her avuncular
January 14, 2009
scete commented on the word septentrionals
the slower more stolid Septentrionals
December 6, 2008
scete commented on the word gob smacked
gob smacked, lovely phrase. Gob mouth
December 6, 2008
scete commented on the word kudzu
kudzua great metaphor for consumerism
December 5, 2008
scete commented on the word radiance
Radiance belongs to being considered precisely as beautiful; it is, in being, that which catches the eye, or ear, or the mind, and wants us to perceive it again.
Etienne Gilson
December 5, 2008
scete commented on the list odd-words-4
In a TV play last night
December 5, 2008
scete commented on the word hubris
When human hubris intrudes or manipulates the sacred, the consequence is inevitably humiliation
December 5, 2008
scete commented on the word reverence
reverence bestows dignity
December 4, 2008
scete commented on the word quotidian
Beauty is not quotidian, it is a rare delight
December 4, 2008