scottydoc commented on the word galoot
Often heard at football matches in Scotland - shouted at the player from the crowd "hey you - ya big galoot ye"
December 31, 2008
scottydoc commented on the word stoatir
Something attractive in a fabulous or desirable sense - often prefixed by the word "wee"
"she's a wee stoatir" - she looks stunning
"what do you think of my sports car? It's a real wee stoatir"
Comments by scottydoc
scottydoc commented on the word galoot
Often heard at football matches in Scotland - shouted at the player from the crowd "hey you - ya big galoot ye"
December 31, 2008
scottydoc commented on the word stoatir
Something attractive in a fabulous or desirable sense - often prefixed by the word "wee"
"she's a wee stoatir" - she looks stunning
"what do you think of my sports car? It's a real wee stoatir"
December 31, 2008