Bobulation: the state of being not quite ready, not quite organized, and just a little sketchy. ie: "I am not fully bobulated until I have my coffee in the morning." or "I am feeling so discombobulated today."
"bangability" a quantifier to measure or describe an individual's perceived bangablebess; as in: "that guy's bangability is off the charts!" (sexual referent)
Comments by shaley8160
shaley8160 commented on the word bobulation
Bobulation: the state of being not quite ready, not quite organized, and just a little sketchy. ie: "I am not fully bobulated until I have my coffee in the morning." or "I am feeling so discombobulated today."
August 7, 2009
shaley8160 commented on the word mamies
"Mamies" was the term used to refer to the female twins in the plural. ie: "Do the mamies have on their sweaters?
August 7, 2009
shaley8160 commented on the word bangability
"bangability" a quantifier to measure or describe an individual's perceived bangablebess; as in: "that guy's bangability is off the charts!" (sexual referent)
August 1, 2009