Oh, I'm so glad you saw my little note! I'll write more today *smile*. I do like your list! There is something to be said for exclusivity to the point of excess, and I admit I do tend toward excess. I try to be an Epicure, but there's so much love in words!
I notice that you hate the word 'cunt'. I used to agree whole-heartedly. Had a loathsome feel about it. Strange, but I begin now to revel in the word, the thick mud-dirtiness of it, there's something liberating in that. Does that make sense to you at all? Hmm. Anyhow! I do like your lists, and we ought be friends, don't you think?
Delightful! I tend to use words, forget them as easily and with as little pain as I remembered them. However, the idea of hoarding words is strange to me and somewhat...exotic? I love your wordlists, and will enjoy looking at them further!
Comments by shoepixie
shoepixie commented on the list bad-guys
lout and caitiff are good ones...
June 22, 2009
shoepixie commented on the word ipicac
...I did. Oi, what a boo silly I be. *shame*
May 13, 2008
shoepixie commented on the user elfflame
Hullo! Like your lists, you have some creative and neat groupings here!
April 29, 2008
shoepixie commented on the word insouciant
A darling, darling word! and a favourite of mine, always always.
April 28, 2008
shoepixie commented on the word tetheradick
Likely one of the best words this lickle lambkin has ever heard.
April 22, 2008
shoepixie commented on the user ofravens
Oh, I'm so glad you saw my little note! I'll write more today *smile*. I do like your list! There is something to be said for exclusivity to the point of excess, and I admit I do tend toward excess. I try to be an Epicure, but there's so much love in words!
I notice that you hate the word 'cunt'. I used to agree whole-heartedly. Had a loathsome feel about it. Strange, but I begin now to revel in the word, the thick mud-dirtiness of it, there's something liberating in that. Does that make sense to you at all? Hmm. Anyhow! I do like your lists, and we ought be friends, don't you think?
April 18, 2008
shoepixie commented on the list complicated-words-for-not-so-complicated-things
Mendacity! Miscegenation! Ancephalous?
April 16, 2008
shoepixie commented on the word schadenfreude
Higher than truthiness? I suppose that's one less point for the Hipster-ness of Wordie users, but our sadism is cemented.
It's a reassuring thought!
April 16, 2008
shoepixie commented on the word dulcet
I'm not the only one who...glorious! Make a habit of calling people my 'dulcet darling', too.
April 16, 2008
shoepixie commented on the user squareintheteeth
Delightful! I tend to use words, forget them as easily and with as little pain as I remembered them. However, the idea of hoarding words is strange to me and somewhat...exotic? I love your wordlists, and will enjoy looking at them further!
April 16, 2008
shoepixie commented on the user ofravens
Oh, my friend, you are fantastic.
April 16, 2008
shoepixie commented on the word verdigris
There are so many many many words for the colour of green that are actually quite lovely...Red-words get all the credit, boo!
April 16, 2008
shoepixie commented on the word ipicac
One of my favroutei ever words!
April 16, 2008
shoepixie commented on the word palanquin
This word has a strange majesty, for me. Almost a smell to it, or a taste. Mmm, spicy and sweet.
April 16, 2008