Sekian is the surname, Serena is the given name. Sekian is comprised of the kanji for "evening" and "hermitage"; Serena is put together with "night," "moon," and "princess."
also 幽冥 (ゆ�?��?�?�) is "semidarkness; deep and strange; hades; the present and the other world; dark and light"; alternate with same reading and meaning: 幽明
INCEʹNDIUM, the crime of setting any object on fire, by which the property of a man is endangered. It was thus a more general term than the modern Arson, which is limited to the act of willfully and maliciously burning the property of another.
Comments by sidheag
sidheag commented on the word 夕庵 夜月姫
Kanji for the name "Sekian Serena."
Sekian is the surname, Serena is the given name. Sekian is comprised of the kanji for "evening" and "hermitage"; Serena is put together with "night," "moon," and "princess."
December 1, 2009
sidheag commented on the word 倀
Definition: ghost of one devoured by a tiger
November 17, 2009
sidheag commented on the list nihongo
Thank you very much! I would be quite sad to lose such a useful tool.
November 12, 2009
sidheag commented on the word 鷚
Quicker to draw, but far less beautiful.
November 9, 2009
sidheag commented on the word �?星
�?�ょ�?��?��?� morning star (Venus)
November 9, 2009
sidheag commented on the word �?闇
�?�ょ�?��?�ん dark before dawn
�?��?��?��??や�?� moonless dawn
�?��?��?��??や�?� moonless dawn
November 9, 2009
sidheag commented on the word �?天
�?天 �?�ょ�?��?�ん dawn
November 9, 2009
sidheag commented on the word �?光
�?�ょ�?��?��?� the light of dawn
November 9, 2009
sidheag commented on the word 林
�?�や�?� forest
also, nanori (name reading): �?�
November 9, 2009
sidheag commented on the word 森
もり forest
November 9, 2009
sidheag commented on the word 勇
among other things, ゆ�?� - bravery; courage; heroism.
a part of many interesting compound words
November 9, 2009
sidheag commented on the word 幽冥界
ゆ�?��?�?��?��?� hades; realm of the dead
also 幽冥 (ゆ�?��?�?�) is "semidarkness; deep and strange; hades; the present and the other world; dark and light"; alternate with same reading and meaning: 幽明
November 9, 2009
sidheag commented on the word misanthrope
Amusingly, I just added this word in Japanese right as someone else added it to a list: 人間嫌�?�
November 6, 2009
sidheag commented on the word 天国
�?�ん�?��?? heaven
November 6, 2009
sidheag commented on the word 地�?�
�?��?��?? Hell
November 6, 2009
sidheag commented on the word 人間嫌�?�
�?�ん�?�ん�?�ら�?� misanthrope; misanthropy
November 6, 2009
sidheag commented on the word 冬
�?�ゆ winter
November 6, 2009
sidheag commented on the word 夕
ゆ�?� evening
November 6, 2009
sidheag commented on the word 星影
�?��?��?��?� starlight
November 6, 2009
sidheag commented on the word 星夜
�?��?�や starry night
November 6, 2009
sidheag commented on the word �?れ星
�?��?�れ�?��?� shooting star (meteor)
November 6, 2009
sidheag commented on the word 綺羅星
�??ら�?��?� glittering stars
November 6, 2009
sidheag commented on the word �?�付�??
kindling a fire; lighting a fire
November 6, 2009
sidheag commented on the word �?��?�気
�?��?��?� heat of fire
November 6, 2009
sidheag commented on the word 俠
�?��?��?��?��?� chivalrous person; chivalry; knight-errant; tomboy
(on'yomi �??ょ�?�, �??ゃん)
November 6, 2009
sidheag commented on the word 俠女
�??ょ�?��?�ょ gallant woman
also see 俠
November 6, 2009
sidheag commented on the word �?�転婆�?�ん
�?��?�ん�?��?�ん tomboy
though the �?�ん isn't completely necessary...
November 6, 2009
sidheag commented on the word 宵�?�張り
よ�?��?��?�り - night owl; nighthawk; staying up late
宵�?�張りを�?�る to stay up late
November 6, 2009
sidheag commented on the word 鷚
Hibari - skylark. Beautiful kanji.
November 6, 2009
sidheag commented on the word howe
hollow, valley
August 1, 2009
sidheag commented on the word peepers
Also a word for the small tree frogs that gather in ponds and puddles in the spring and then create loud choruses of peeping.
May 22, 2009
sidheag commented on the word toyger
Relatively new designer cat breed, bred to have the appearance of a small tiger.
April 5, 2009
sidheag commented on the word toreador
But the spelling according to Spanish ought to be matador, not matadore. Hence, toreador.
March 24, 2009
sidheag commented on the word oscillat
An oscillating ocelot?
February 1, 2009
sidheag commented on the word goro goro
Japanese onomatopoeia
goro goro (boro boro/poro poro)
to laze about, the sound of an upset stomach, the loud rumble of lightning or an avalanche
Also the sound Gorons make in Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda video game series.
December 16, 2008
sidheag commented on the word magistrix
Latin magis ("more or great") + Latin female agent noun suffix -ix
See magister
December 16, 2008
sidheag commented on the word æstuous
(L. aestuosus, fr. aestus fire, glow.)
Glowing; agitated, as with heat.
December 16, 2008
sidheag commented on the word æstiferous
See æstival
December 16, 2008
sidheag commented on the word æstival
relating to the summer
December 16, 2008
sidheag commented on the word æsc
The name of the letter æ, Anglo-Saxon Old English. Means "ash".
December 16, 2008
sidheag commented on the word somnour
Som"nour\, n. A summoner; an apparitor; a sompnour. Obs. --Piers Plowman.
December 15, 2008
sidheag commented on the word somniculous
Som*nic"u*lous\, a. L. somniculosus. Inclined to sleep; drowsy; sleepy. Obs.
December 15, 2008
sidheag commented on the word incendium
INCEʹNDIUM, the crime of setting any object on fire, by which the property of a man is endangered. It was thus a more general term than the modern Arson, which is limited to the act of willfully and maliciously burning the property of another.*/Incendium.html
December 15, 2008
sidheag commented on the word somersault
I've always loved how this word is spelled.
November 18, 2008
sidheag commented on the word fell
1. fierce; cruel; dreadful; savage.
2. destructive; deadly
November 18, 2008
sidheag commented on the word shoggoth
I had a shoggoth, he pleased me,
But drove me to insanity.
Shoggoth went TEKELI-LI
November 18, 2008