the illigin are a race of tall-bidpedal identical to us in heigth and stature, they were at war with the 6 stars for a long time and are expected to return and finnish said war, in 20 years it is expected that society will break down and the illigin will return to finnish what they started, it is important to note that the illigin are the ones who created us and that we are only the 7th of 7 versions of our society.
Comments by skyline
Skyline commented on the word illigin
the illigin are a race of tall-bidpedal identical to us in heigth and stature, they were at war with the 6 stars for a long time and are expected to return and finnish said war, in 20 years it is expected that society will break down and the illigin will return to finnish what they started, it is important to note that the illigin are the ones who created us and that we are only the 7th of 7 versions of our society.
December 24, 2016