smeggo commented on the word scultimidonus
One who leaves the back door unlocked. (Latin.)
August 2, 2012
smeggo commented on the word portmanteautalize
To neologize in a Lewis Carrollic fashion.
August 13, 2009
smeggo commented on the word ersatz
Faux sure.
December 7, 2008
smeggo commented on the word quiddity
I beg to differ.
smeggo commented on the word chocolatry
Hershey worship.
November 4, 2008
smeggo commented on the word digitality
The state of being in or interacting with cyberspace.
smeggo commented on the word celebritocracy
Rule by the famous.
November 2, 2008
smeggo commented on the word hipstress
A female hipster.
smeggo commented on the word apocalyption
World-ending, endtime-worthy behavior.
October 31, 2008
smeggo commented on the word incentivate
To motivate with incentives.
October 28, 2008
smeggo commented on the word ourobordom
The recursive or self-perpetuating/consuming/producing quality of something. The state of being like an ouroboros; ouroborotic.
October 26, 2008
smeggo commented on the word execrant
One who curses or loathes.
October 25, 2008
smeggo commented on the word anathematician
A blasphemologist; cursemaster.
smeggo commented on the word cursemaster
A skilled execrant. Anathematician; blasphemologist.
smeggo commented on the word koshe
To coax or render the unfit fit. From kosher.
smeggo commented on the word superane
The opposite of inane: unexpectedly senseful, significant, non-silly.
smeggo commented on the word lostings
The collection of items one has lost. The opposite of findings.
smeggo commented on the word frappulate
To agitate by the ingestion of sugary caffeinated beverages.
smeggo commented on the word white
A contest of running speed around the Caucasus mountains.
smeggo commented on the word phallocracy
Dick headed.
smeggo commented on the word thwartance
An act or instance of thwarting.
smeggo commented on the word warlockery
Like sorcery, but for warlocks.
smeggo commented on the word mentrix
A female mentor.
October 22, 2008
smeggo commented on the word casinine
Having the attributes of a casino.
smeggo commented on the word tranquiloquent
Speaking in a calm or soothing manner.
October 20, 2008
smeggo commented on the word metavore
An animal that eats animals that eat animals.
smeggo commented on the word vilipension
The act or instance of disparaging.
October 15, 2008
smeggo commented on the word ken
I like it better verbed.
smeggo commented on the word fubaritic
Having or causing the quality of being fubar.
smeggo commented on the word metanoid
A mindset which reflects a state of metanoia.
smeggo commented on the word whatness
The thisness or thatness of a thing.
smeggo commented on the word hemidemisemiquaver
Id est "nota bene". Don't punk my pun.
smeggo commented on the word fellatious
If you fellated when you intended to be fallacious, you really blew it.
smeggo commented on the word turdiform
smeggo commented on the word machinatious
smeggo commented on the word complexure
The involution or complication of one thing with others.
smeggo commented on the word superciliate
To behave in a haughtily contemptuous manner. To raise the eyebrows in cool disdain.
smeggo commented on the word ecdysiast
Now THAT's entertainment.
October 14, 2008
smeggo commented on the word euphoriast
A seeker or endorser of transcendent pleasure or joy.
smeggo commented on the word hesternal
I was thinking of this one not 24 hours ago.
smeggo commented on the word portmantawesome
smeggo commented on the word poindexterity
The state or quality of being nerdly.
October 13, 2008
smeggo commented on the word poindexterous
Having the quality of poindexterity. Dweebish.
smeggo commented on the word cozitude
The state or quality of being cozy.
smeggo commented on the word coze
To behave cozily or indulge in cozitude.
smeggo commented on the word frabjous
Fair, fabulous, and joyous.
smeggo commented on the word frumious
Fuming and furious.
smeggo commented on the word sesquipedalian
Why use a sesquipedalian word when you can opt for a lilliputian one?
October 12, 2008
smeggo commented on the word negligiblious
Beyond inconsequentiality.
smeggo commented on the word pantagrueling
The act or instance of seriocomic treatment of grave (usually metaphysical, philosophical) matters, or having the quality of such treatment.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word yeshuan
Characteristic of or pertaining to the historical person of the rabbi Jesus of Nazareth without reference to his purported divinity or messiahship. The Jesus without the Christ.
smeggo commented on the word blitzkriegious
An exceedingly shocking awing manner.
smeggo commented on the word besmithering
To become breakified, as to smithereens.
smeggo commented on the word turgorific
Causing an urge or surge in turgitude.
smeggo commented on the word buttfuckery
Like tomfoolery or jiggery-pokery, but gayer.
smeggo commented on the word wethinks
Wethinks this word could be useful.
smeggo commented on the word satantastic
Exhibiting a high degree of satanitude.
smeggo commented on the word gagspoonian
Having the quality of making one wish to auto-asphyxiate.
smeggo commented on the word snafusion
A problem proliferation.
smeggo commented on the word conniptious
smeggo commented on the word blasphemologist
Profanation professional.
smeggo commented on the word dildonics
The science of pseudophalli.
smeggo commented on the word strumpetry
smeggo commented on the word puppetesque
Seeming as though under the influence of another. Having an artificial or detached affect.
smeggo commented on the word lubricious
Can't get a grasp on this one.
smeggo commented on the word chthonic
Pretty underground still, apparently.
smeggo commented on the word schadenfreude
The more you hate it the better I like it.
smeggo commented on the word weltschmerz
I'm grieved that so few are familiar with the term.
smeggo commented on the word desideratum
I require more words like this.
smeggo commented on the word contumaceous
I absolutely refuse to stop using this word.
smeggo commented on the word zemblanity
What doesn't kill me makes me increasingly disappointed.
October 10, 2008
smeggo commented on the word zetetic
"What does it mean?" I wondered.
smeggo commented on the word pleonexia
An insatiable need for more of what one already has.
I can't get enough words like this.
smeggo commented on the word jactitation
I jactitate better than anyone I know.
Nota benissississimo.
smeggo commented on the word gnomon
A time standstill.
smeggo commented on the word flocculent
Volo flocculatrix.
smeggo commented on the word floccipaucinihilipilification
Bah, I'll never use it.
smeggo commented on the word cathexis
Ich bin ein sexworker.
smeggo commented on the word bathetic
From the stars to the gutter.
smeggo commented on the word atlatl
smeggo commented on the word sibboleth
The password is invalid.
smeggo commented on the word sibilance
Shhhh! Can you hear the definition?
smeggo commented on the word paraphrastic
I would define it slightly differently.
smeggo commented on the word farrago is a farrago of logophiles' farragoes.
smeggo commented on the word syzygystic
Having the quality of being in an unusually or unexpectedly fortuitous sequence or arrangement.
smeggo commented on the word saxicolous
Rock the house.
Comments by smeggo
smeggo commented on the word scultimidonus
One who leaves the back door unlocked. (Latin.)
August 2, 2012
smeggo commented on the word portmanteautalize
To neologize in a Lewis Carrollic fashion.
August 13, 2009
smeggo commented on the word ersatz
Faux sure.
December 7, 2008
smeggo commented on the word quiddity
I beg to differ.
December 7, 2008
smeggo commented on the word chocolatry
Hershey worship.
November 4, 2008
smeggo commented on the word digitality
The state of being in or interacting with cyberspace.
November 4, 2008
smeggo commented on the word celebritocracy
Rule by the famous.
November 2, 2008
smeggo commented on the word hipstress
A female hipster.
November 2, 2008
smeggo commented on the word apocalyption
World-ending, endtime-worthy behavior.
October 31, 2008
smeggo commented on the word incentivate
To motivate with incentives.
October 28, 2008
smeggo commented on the word ourobordom
The recursive or self-perpetuating/consuming/producing quality of something. The state of being like an ouroboros; ouroborotic.
October 26, 2008
smeggo commented on the word execrant
One who curses or loathes.
October 25, 2008
smeggo commented on the word anathematician
A blasphemologist; cursemaster.
October 25, 2008
smeggo commented on the word cursemaster
A skilled execrant. Anathematician; blasphemologist.
October 25, 2008
smeggo commented on the word koshe
To coax or render the unfit fit. From kosher.
October 25, 2008
smeggo commented on the word superane
The opposite of inane: unexpectedly senseful, significant, non-silly.
October 25, 2008
smeggo commented on the word lostings
The collection of items one has lost. The opposite of findings.
October 25, 2008
smeggo commented on the word frappulate
To agitate by the ingestion of sugary caffeinated beverages.
October 25, 2008
smeggo commented on the word white
A contest of running speed around the Caucasus mountains.
October 25, 2008
smeggo commented on the word phallocracy
Dick headed.
October 25, 2008
smeggo commented on the word thwartance
An act or instance of thwarting.
October 25, 2008
smeggo commented on the word warlockery
Like sorcery, but for warlocks.
October 25, 2008
smeggo commented on the word mentrix
A female mentor.
October 22, 2008
smeggo commented on the word casinine
Having the attributes of a casino.
October 22, 2008
smeggo commented on the word tranquiloquent
Speaking in a calm or soothing manner.
October 20, 2008
smeggo commented on the word metavore
An animal that eats animals that eat animals.
October 20, 2008
smeggo commented on the word vilipension
The act or instance of disparaging.
October 15, 2008
smeggo commented on the word ken
I like it better verbed.
October 15, 2008
smeggo commented on the word fubaritic
Having or causing the quality of being fubar.
October 15, 2008
smeggo commented on the word metanoid
A mindset which reflects a state of metanoia.
October 15, 2008
smeggo commented on the word whatness
The thisness or thatness of a thing.
October 15, 2008
smeggo commented on the word hemidemisemiquaver
Id est "nota bene". Don't punk my pun.
October 15, 2008
smeggo commented on the word fellatious
If you fellated when you intended to be fallacious, you really blew it.
October 15, 2008
smeggo commented on the word turdiform
October 15, 2008
smeggo commented on the word machinatious
October 15, 2008
smeggo commented on the word complexure
The involution or complication of one thing with others.
October 15, 2008
smeggo commented on the word superciliate
To behave in a haughtily contemptuous manner. To raise the eyebrows in cool disdain.
October 15, 2008
smeggo commented on the word ecdysiast
Now THAT's entertainment.
October 14, 2008
smeggo commented on the word euphoriast
A seeker or endorser of transcendent pleasure or joy.
October 14, 2008
smeggo commented on the word hesternal
I was thinking of this one not 24 hours ago.
October 14, 2008
smeggo commented on the word portmantawesome
October 14, 2008
smeggo commented on the word poindexterity
The state or quality of being nerdly.
October 13, 2008
smeggo commented on the word poindexterous
Having the quality of poindexterity. Dweebish.
October 13, 2008
smeggo commented on the word cozitude
The state or quality of being cozy.
October 13, 2008
smeggo commented on the word coze
To behave cozily or indulge in cozitude.
October 13, 2008
smeggo commented on the word frabjous
Fair, fabulous, and joyous.
October 13, 2008
smeggo commented on the word frumious
Fuming and furious.
October 13, 2008
smeggo commented on the word sesquipedalian
Why use a sesquipedalian word when you can opt for a lilliputian one?
October 12, 2008
smeggo commented on the word negligiblious
Beyond inconsequentiality.
October 12, 2008
smeggo commented on the word pantagrueling
The act or instance of seriocomic treatment of grave (usually metaphysical, philosophical) matters, or having the quality of such treatment.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word yeshuan
Characteristic of or pertaining to the historical person of the rabbi Jesus of Nazareth without reference to his purported divinity or messiahship. The Jesus without the Christ.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word blitzkriegious
An exceedingly shocking awing manner.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word besmithering
To become breakified, as to smithereens.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word turgorific
Causing an urge or surge in turgitude.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word buttfuckery
Like tomfoolery or jiggery-pokery, but gayer.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word wethinks
Wethinks this word could be useful.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word satantastic
Exhibiting a high degree of satanitude.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word gagspoonian
Having the quality of making one wish to auto-asphyxiate.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word snafusion
A problem proliferation.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word conniptious
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word blasphemologist
Profanation professional.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word dildonics
The science of pseudophalli.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word strumpetry
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word puppetesque
Seeming as though under the influence of another. Having an artificial or detached affect.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word lubricious
Can't get a grasp on this one.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word chthonic
Pretty underground still, apparently.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word schadenfreude
The more you hate it the better I like it.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word weltschmerz
I'm grieved that so few are familiar with the term.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word desideratum
I require more words like this.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word contumaceous
I absolutely refuse to stop using this word.
October 11, 2008
smeggo commented on the word zemblanity
What doesn't kill me makes me increasingly disappointed.
October 10, 2008
smeggo commented on the word zetetic
"What does it mean?" I wondered.
October 10, 2008
smeggo commented on the word pleonexia
An insatiable need for more of what one already has.
I can't get enough words like this.
October 10, 2008
smeggo commented on the word jactitation
I jactitate better than anyone I know.
October 10, 2008
smeggo commented on the word hemidemisemiquaver
Nota benissississimo.
October 10, 2008
smeggo commented on the word gnomon
A time standstill.
October 10, 2008
smeggo commented on the word flocculent
Volo flocculatrix.
October 10, 2008
smeggo commented on the word floccipaucinihilipilification
Bah, I'll never use it.
October 10, 2008
smeggo commented on the word cathexis
Ich bin ein sexworker.
October 10, 2008
smeggo commented on the word bathetic
From the stars to the gutter.
October 10, 2008
smeggo commented on the word atlatl
October 10, 2008
smeggo commented on the word sibboleth
The password is invalid.
October 10, 2008
smeggo commented on the word sibilance
Shhhh! Can you hear the definition?
October 10, 2008
smeggo commented on the word paraphrastic
I would define it slightly differently.
October 10, 2008
smeggo commented on the word farrago is a farrago of logophiles' farragoes.
October 10, 2008
smeggo commented on the word syzygystic
Having the quality of being in an unusually or unexpectedly fortuitous sequence or arrangement.
October 10, 2008
smeggo commented on the word saxicolous
Rock the house.
October 10, 2008